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Topic: FIFO lineup for bookshelf

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Naiche avatar
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Subject: FIFO lineup for bookshelf
Date Posted: 7/25/2007 10:13 PM ET
Member Since: 1/28/2007
Posts: 131
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Is there a way to see where you are in line in the FIFO system for books you have posted?  I know you can put the books on your bookshelf on your reminder list to see how many others there are, but unless you know where you are in that line-up, it's not terribly helpful information.  I've gotten book requests on books with a dozen other copies, while books with just a couple other copies sit forever.

Actually, if you could see how often a book is requested, that would tell you roughly the same thing, or at least tell you how fast you could be expected to be going through the line.

If such a thing doesn't exist, that's okay - I can see how it might discourage people from posting books.  I'm just curious.



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Date Posted: 7/25/2007 10:47 PM ET
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Naiche avatar
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Date Posted: 7/25/2007 11:12 PM ET
Member Since: 1/28/2007
Posts: 131
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Hey! I resent that remark!  I'm trying to give books away, not hoard them!

Oh, wait...  that's your .sig file.  Thanks for the info.