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Yes, it's that time again. I've been goofing around too much, playing and creating, and what did I do? Printed most of the bookmarks that I made, though only my daughter and myself have used one each. So I got them all laminated & cut out and now you can request one for FREE! The ones I am talking about can be found on my webpage HERE http://newdaddio.bravehost.com/ . Here's what to do:
I'm sorry that it's a little late, since most of you have (as have I) already read the book, but somebody out there has yet to read it and others wil read it again and again. Just a few more bulletpoints (VERY IMPORTANT)
Finally, The last, and I mean very last (yeah, right) bookmarks are available HERE http://loefam.googlepages.com/bookmarks for copying and printing on your own (as the others are - see first page for details). I hope you will take advantage of this and enjoy these bookmarks.
Daddio, you are the man :) |
I agree and great to see you too Tollie:) |