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Topic: fecovery from a broken heart

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Subject: fecovery from a broken heart
Date Posted: 10/27/2007 10:50 PM ET
Member Since: 9/28/2005
Posts: 226
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After 11 non dating yearsas a single parent, I met a man I fell for hard.  It's over now that I expected something from him.   I am shattered, trying to get my feet back on the ground, and stay in one piece for my son.  I'll never do this again!  I am reviewing passages from my Bible.  Are there any Christian novels out there that may be balm for a broken heart?  THank you in advance.  Susan

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Date Posted: 10/28/2007 3:52 PM ET
Member Since: 6/23/2005
Posts: 1,784
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Never say never. It is very possible that God has a wonderful man chosen for you.  It took me until I was 38 years old to find a man who loved and cherished my sons and me. We have been happily married for 10 years now.

I will try to think of some books that might help you out, but in the meantime, keep reading your Bible, especially Psalms.

You will be in my prayers


