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Topic: Do you feel guilty when you request an book just for YOU!?

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Ediesbeads avatar
Subject: Do you feel guilty when you request an book just for YOU!?
Date Posted: 10/23/2007 8:56 PM ET
Member Since: 2/23/2006
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I felt so guilty earlier this week!  Before we started homeschooling, most of my wishlisted books were craft related.  I was a big crafter before homeschooling.  I don't have nearly as much time now, but I still love the stuff and the books about the stuff.  So the other day a polymer clay book that has been on my wishlist for over a year came up!  I've been running through credits like water since we started this homeschooling adventure and I felt SO GUILTY that I spent a credit on a fun and frivolous book just for ME!  Tell me it's OK! LOL!


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Date Posted: 10/23/2007 9:06 PM ET
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It's definately ok Edie!  We have to stay sane somehow.  Don't forget to take care of yourself too...and splurge once in awhile!  Maybe you can even find a few minutes to actually try making something.  You can always do it with the thought of Christmas coming.  I know one year my babysitter made us a nice Christmas tree ornament from clay.  Of course every year when I hang it on the tree I think of her. 

Sooooo craft away and get the kids involved too.  I don't know too many kids who wouldn't love their art project to be making something with clay!!   One of my best friends is an art teacher and she has the kids do all kinds of clay projects.  She does so many that the school even purchased their own kiln for her. 

Happy crafting!  Carrie

ChristineMM avatar
Date Posted: 10/23/2007 9:40 PM ET
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It is definately okay! While buying books for my children is still a thrill now more than ever I need some interests that have nothing to do with my children or parenting. I have been waiting a while for some wishlisted craft and art books and finally now some are rolling in.

Have you listened to the Creative Mom Podcast online (free). It is great.

Last month I read a fiction book just for fun. It felt odd to blow off some 'typical stuff' as I was hooked on the book and couldn't put it down.

PaulaS avatar
Date Posted: 10/23/2007 9:41 PM ET
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It's okay!  I know how you feel though.  I requested a book recently I've had on my reminder list for a long time.  I truly debated on whether to get it or a book for school we won't use until next year!  Hey, we are supposed to set the example for bettering (sp?) ourselves right? Have fun with your book.

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Date Posted: 10/24/2007 12:06 AM ET
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LOL!! I just got a book in the mail from PBS for myself.  My children get so excited when books come in the mail because they are ALL for them.  They were quite shocked when they opened mine. LOL!!  "What is that!?" 

I laid down on my bed during nap time and devoured the whole thing.  My children didn't know what to make of me laying down reading a book.  I forgot how much fun it was.  It's been such a looong time :-)

Enjoy your book!

Rebecca W.

TheSampleLady avatar
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Date Posted: 10/24/2007 12:43 AM ET
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:) I know how you feel. I order books for myself. Once I've read them, though, I repost them. Homeschool books are usually keepers. Mine are read & repost.

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Date Posted: 10/27/2007 10:27 AM ET
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Oh, of course, it's okay! In fact, it is good for your children to see you enjoying a book.

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Date Posted: 10/29/2007 1:15 PM ET
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I think it's definately ok and very important to get books for yourself.  I feel as homeschooling moms, we need to set an example for our kids and show them that reading is fun and books are for enjoying - regardless of the subject matter.  What better lesson for a child to do a really fun craft, take pride in the work they did and then come to find out the idea came from a book!  Books are a vital part of our household.  I get books from PBS all the time for myself and my kids (once they got over the inital shock that not every book that shows up in the mailbox is for them), have taken great interest in the books I get and what they're about.  I think it's good for kids to realize that while they're the centers of our universe, we also have interests that lie elsewhere and should encourage them to broaden their horizons as well.

Enjoy your books and have fun with the crafts!!

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Date Posted: 10/29/2007 3:02 PM ET
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Okay, now I feel guilty...nearly ALL of my books ordered through here are for me.  LOL  My kids have so many books that are given to them that I don't need to order for them....I order for myself and only occassionally order for them!

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Date Posted: 10/29/2007 10:42 PM ET
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PBS is almost entirely for me. Take it from a mom who has been homeschooling 15 years with at least 12 left to go. Do nice things for yourself regularly and what is nicer than getting a book in the mail?! One that you didn't have to spend hard cash for?! Talk about your nearly guiltfree pleasure. As homeschooling moms, we don't have to prove anything about putting our kids first. Our very lives define that. Don't feel guilty about doing something for yourself once in a while.

heavenboundlj avatar
Date Posted: 11/2/2007 12:46 AM ET
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re: Edie T

IT'S OK!!! Do not feel guilty...we need to do more for ourselves. The saying "If momma ain't happy ain't nobody happy" is so true!! I know when I do things for me...I'm a better mom and better teacher!


bookwormhouse avatar
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Date Posted: 11/2/2007 8:58 AM ET
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Absolutely not, no guilt.

Here's why. Reading on my own makes me a better teacher for my kids. Keeps the juices flowing in the ol' brain. AND it is modeling behavior that I want my children to copy. Reading for peasure, not just because I  *have* to...

So... order away,  without guilt.