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Topic: Feeling Guilty

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Subject: Feeling Guilty
Date Posted: 9/28/2007 2:40 PM ET
Member Since: 9/27/2007
Posts: 3
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I'm new to paperbackswap.  I sent off two books yesterday and then was browsing the site, only to read the definitions of book condition.  One of the books I sent looks terrific BUT there is some dirt soil (about 1 in.) on the bottom corner of the pages.  I sent it before I read the definitions.  I've bought books like this before so I didn't think it would be a problem.

I have been feeling guilty since I read the definitions and am wondering if I should PM the person receiving the book.  I was thinking that if I didn't, the receiver might not even think there's an issue.  If I did, would I be creating more of a deal than need be? 



CozSnShine avatar
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Date Posted: 9/28/2007 2:57 PM ET
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IF I were you, I'd PM and tell her exactly what you posted here.   Just tell her that if she thinks it's a problem when she gets the book to give you a PM and you'll return her credit.

mahbaar avatar
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Date Posted: 9/28/2007 3:10 PM ET
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I ditto what Cozette said. Honesty is the best policy here, and should prevent hard feelings. Just allow the person to decide whether the book meets the criteria and decide whether to ask for the credit back.

Remember, the person who is receiving your book was also a new member once! :) I'm sure things will work out fine.

And don't fret if it's marked "Received with a problem". You'll have to have a track record/history of sending out books that don't meet guidelines before you'll have a problem with the powers that be.

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Date Posted: 9/28/2007 3:36 PM ET
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Thanks for your advice.  I just sent off a PM to her.  Since I am a newbie, she might have to wait a bit before I can refund her credit (if she thinks there is a problem).  When I looked at "refunding credit" from the help desk, it says I need to have received at least three books from PBS.  Only one book from my wish list is on its way and I am down the line on all the others :-(.

mahbaar avatar
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Date Posted: 9/28/2007 4:01 PM ET
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You can ask R&R for help with it, if it turns out that you need to return the credit and you cannot do it yet. Not to worry!

Spuddie avatar
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Date Posted: 9/28/2007 5:14 PM ET
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I would PM them and explain the situation--most folks here are very understanding as long as you communicate with them and aren't rude. We were all new once! I think a lot of new folks jump in feet first and post a bunch of books before really reading much about the site's requirements, so I'm sure you are not alone here. It's good that you recognized your mistake and want to rectify it. Hopefully the person you sent the book to will understand and can afford to wait awhile for you to return the credit til you've gotten some more books. I buddied you a credit that you can spend on a book you want that's in the system already to help you on your way. Welcome to PBS!


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Date Posted: 9/28/2007 5:51 PM ET
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Wow Cheryl!  Thanks so much!  I hope I can do the same for someone else when I become a seasoned member of the swap! 

Spuddie avatar
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Date Posted: 9/28/2007 9:19 PM ET
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That's what it's all about, Melissa...paying it forward sometime down the line. :)


Susanaque avatar
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Date Posted: 9/28/2007 11:34 PM ET
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Like Cheryl said we were all new at one time or other.  Drop a note to the'll be ok...I promise!!