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The Eclectic Pen - A Few Poems

By: Sara (littletexaswitch) - ,  
Date Submitted: 7/31/2009
Genre: Literature & Fiction » Poetry
Words: 159

  My Submission
The sweet soft touch
Your fingers entwined with mine.
Brush of our lips
Your breath in my hair.
The whispering of love in my ear
My gentle submission to you.
The lust in your eyes
Sting of my ass.
Pleads of release
Cries of pleasure mixed in pain.
Dance of giving and taking
My passionate submission to you.
The love of my heart
Your understanding voice.
Tenderness of hands
Bonds beyond consciousness.
Mutual respect of honesty and trust
My complete submission to you.

Your Lips
As your lips close over mine
I quiver in anticipation.
My heart leaves me
It goes to yours and entwines.
In that split second we are one
My body surrenders to you.
It is under your power In that split second you are everything.
My eyes are lost in you
And I am complete.

Wickedly stealing
Innocence lost
Pain of corruption
Greed of beauty.
Shining light
Gasps of hope
Loss resigned
Wilted bliss.

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Sara (littletexaswitch) - ,

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Beth K. (book-nook) - 8/1/2009 9:48 PM ET
I love it...I write alot like this...Keep up the good, hot writing..:)
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