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Topic: Fifty (50!) books in the mail.

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Subject: Fifty (50!) books in the mail.
Date Posted: 11/15/2007 3:55 PM ET
Member Since: 9/11/2005
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Earlier today I had 50 books in the mail, which equals my previous record.  By now one or two have probably already arrived, so it won't show quite that many.  If I get a couple more orders/requests, it will break my record for books en route/in the mail.    Help me to break my record!

BookLuvR avatar
Date Posted: 11/15/2007 5:03 PM ET
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One is on the way to me!  :)

amgra2 avatar
Date Posted: 11/15/2007 5:33 PM ET
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I have had ALOT of books going out the last few weeks but no where near that number. Wow, what alot to keep up with.

michelleanddavid avatar
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Date Posted: 11/15/2007 5:37 PM ET
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I ordered one- good luck with your goal. wish I could make it to that number. :)

hugbandit7 avatar
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Date Posted: 11/15/2007 5:40 PM ET
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good grief, I can't even imagine sending that many books at one time!  and the cost, wow! 

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Date Posted: 11/15/2007 5:55 PM ET
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Holy postage costs Batman!  That's amazing. :D

connieb118 avatar
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Date Posted: 11/15/2007 6:07 PM ET
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Congratulations, Winston!

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Date Posted: 11/15/2007 6:19 PM ET
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I have been buying stamps off of Ebay at less than face value, and that helps a lot with the postage.  That is part of the reason that you might get a mixture of stamps on any book thatt you order from me.  I usually get them for about 75-80% of face value---lots of time they have no gum on them, so i buy glue sticks several at a time.

LibraryHelper avatar
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Date Posted: 11/15/2007 6:28 PM ET
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I ordered one too.

CozSnShine avatar
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Date Posted: 11/15/2007 6:41 PM ET
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I'm curious if you order any books Winston?  You must already have an extensive library.

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Date Posted: 11/15/2007 8:36 PM ET
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I ordered 4, good luck!

krisbooks avatar
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Date Posted: 11/15/2007 8:56 PM ET
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What a great selection on your shelf!  I just ordered a golden oldie from one of my favorite writers.

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Date Posted: 11/15/2007 11:59 PM ET
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I have sent out (or completed 2491 transactions) but I have received 712 books also, so a total of > 3100 both to and from.  A lot of those books I ordered for friends and family, but I no longer buy new books but put ones that I see in the store on my WL and eventually get them to read and do relist what I read, but many of them on my list (bookshelf/list) come from haunting thrift stores, garage sales etc. looking for WL books.  Soi i do have a fairly high TBR pile, and it seems that I add more to it than i get read.  Time to go to bed and read a bit before I do so.

Thanks for all the orders!   I will have to process them tomorrow---too late tonight!

CozSnShine avatar
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Date Posted: 11/16/2007 12:22 AM ET
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Well, I for one want to say thank you Winston!   I'm glad to see that you are getting some of the books since you keep so many of us happy with the ones you send.    You really keep this site rollin along and we appreciate it.

JeffersonsAmbrosia avatar
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Date Posted: 11/16/2007 12:35 AM ET
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I ordered one too :)
beadnread avatar
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Date Posted: 11/16/2007 9:15 AM ET
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I ordered a couple last night!  And I've got about 60 books coming to me, LOL - wonder if that's a record?!  Carol Ann

obsidianfire avatar
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Date Posted: 11/16/2007 9:32 AM ET
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Wow.  Impressive.  I think maybe I've had 3 at the most. lol Of course I don't have nearly the bookshelf you have either.

blessed avatar
Date Posted: 11/16/2007 1:53 PM ET
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I ordered one... or two... or a bunch. Something like that. ;)

Including my BOB's, I currently have books going to 39 *people* - but most are getting more than one book, so I've got quite a few books in the mail right now. Plus two pending BOB's and three books on wishlist hold. :D Its been a busy month for me! This is definitely the most I've had going at a time.

TXGrobanite avatar
Date Posted: 11/16/2007 2:17 PM ET
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I have almost 30 DVDs going out on the DVD Swap board....a few more are going out tomorrow. =)  Good luck in meeting your record, if I had a credit i'd request one from you if I saw one I liked lol.


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Date Posted: 11/17/2007 11:45 AM ET
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You have about five times more  books on your bookshelf than I, but have 50 times more books in the mail.  What are some of the reasons for that?  Thanks.

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Date Posted: 11/17/2007 7:15 PM ET
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Al: a lot of people buy books really cheap at garage sales, flea markets etc.., just to post them here.  So they have large shelves and get a lot of orders. 

I only buy books I'm interested in reading(or at least trying)  before I post them here.  I think the most books I've had in the mail at one time was 15 orders (some w/multiple books).  That was when I first joined and happened to have a bunch of WL books (mostly audios) that got ordered right away. Right now I have 9 books in the mail. 

vladadog avatar
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Date Posted: 11/17/2007 10:30 PM ET
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I just went back and checked and I mailed out 56 books (plus a few unpostable freebies too) my first week on PBS, just clearing things off my book shelves. But in the nearly two months since I've only mailed out ten more. I know I'll never come anywhere near that high again that's for sure. For one thing, I don't have the space or the organizational skills to keep track of a PBS shelf of 600 books - my mind boggles just thinking about it. I have a sturdy cardboard box and my posted books, DVDs, and CDs are all in it along with the packing tape - nothing more gets posted till there's room in that box....

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Date Posted: 11/17/2007 11:32 PM ET
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I just ordered one, Winston - a book I'd been wanting to pick up for a while.  :-)

drewsmom avatar
Date Posted: 11/17/2007 11:51 PM ET
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I think 3 of those 50 are coming to me.  Yay!

Al, Winston does a lot of deals so that may contribute to that number. 

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Date Posted: 11/18/2007 12:34 AM ET
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I do very few deals of better than 3 for 2, though awhile ago I tried to get rid of some that had been on my shelf for well over 1 year at 3-4 for 1.  The 3 for 2 stuff, though, I have done several times.

I just got 100 60c stamps on ebay for $45, which is only 75% of face value, so I'll have a bunch of those to send out books with.----Haven't gotten them in the mail yet, though.
