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Topic: Can't find a relevant subject so...about posting directly to wishlists

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EasyForTheEyes avatar
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Subject: Can't find a relevant subject so...about posting directly to wishlists
Date Posted: 9/10/2007 2:56 PM ET
Member Since: 12/10/2005
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Okay, I had gotten some Jodi Picoult books the other day and decided to check a few buddies shelves to see if they had them wishlisted.  They did so I posted four books to three members.  Two books did fine but the other two (going to one member) did not.  Because of the huge waitlists (and I hadn't mentioned to my buddy) I'm choosing not to cancel.

But, I was concerned that there might be glitch so I sent feedback.  And got back a very nice explaination that I probably could have found on my own in the help center if I had given it any thought.  But because I have seen others comment on posting books directly to someone else's wishlist then not having the book go to that member, here's what I learned:

If their account is on hold and the book is not autorequest (with credits to back it up) the book will go to the first person in line instead.  (And that's when I slapped my forehead, going "D'oh!")

I just wanted to share that.  Lots of people probably know that but I've been having these moments of "D'oh" with alarming frequency.  LOL

royaltech avatar
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Date Posted: 9/10/2007 8:13 PM ET
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I remember seeing this now that you say it again, maybe I'll remember it if it happens to me! Thanks for the reinforcement. 

Cleo798 avatar
Date Posted: 9/10/2007 8:27 PM ET
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Thanks for posting this! I did not know that it had to be on autorequest. It makes sense about the credits and the vacation hold, but I had not considered the autorequest issue. I have a few books that once I get done with them I had planned to post directly to a couple of people's WL as a surprise. I suppose I need to let them know to set to AR and make sure they have the credits. Guess it won't be much of a surprise!!!!

CozSnShine avatar
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Date Posted: 9/10/2007 9:54 PM ET
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I do this fairly often and never thought to check to see if their account was on hold.  Thanks for the heads up!!

junie avatar
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Date Posted: 9/10/2007 10:41 PM ET
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You can still post to someone directly as long as their account is not on hold.  The WL book does not have to be on auto request. I have done this quite a few times already.

EasyForTheEyes avatar
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Date Posted: 9/10/2007 11:29 PM ET
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Right, June.

Kristin, you can check their account first to see if they have it on hold.  The only place I know to check this is to look at their bookshelf.  I don't think it says anywhere else.  If their account isn't on hold then go ahead and post directly to their wishlist.  Only if the account is on hold would you want to PM them about the book and autorequest.

Yeah, Cozi.  It literally never occured to me and the sad part is that I read that her account was hold.  Thankfully, since I didn't tell her she doesn't know.  But I sure will remember now.