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The Eclectic Pen - The Fluttering Butterfly

By: Vandy W. (Vandy)  
Date Submitted: 1/15/2007
Genre: Literature & Fiction » Poetry
Words: 117

  The following poem is written by my 10yr old daughter. She submitted it into a writting contest at her school and won first place. Her teacher has stated that the poem made her cry.

The Fluttering Butterfly
By Acacia Wright

Somtimes I wonder if I can see the fluttering Butterfly in the nighttime sea,

And wonder if I can fly like the Butterfly can and show my power of me and the Butterfly.

Someday I will be strong and powerful, but now I will let the Butterfly take my place,

In the powerful place and when I do, I know I'll be in the powerful place someday,

And somehow as I know I'll take the Butterfly's place until it will return someday.

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Vandy W. (Vandy)

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Ann M. (amrm99) - 1/15/2007 3:19 PM ET
Absolutely beautiful. Makes you stop and think!
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