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Favorite Recipes: Fruit Cake

Recipe Author

Name: Patricia R. (LovesGod)
Total Recipes: 1



Fruit Cake

Dish: Desserts
Dish Type: Other
Cooking Method: Baked
Difficulty: 2 / 10
Servings: 10 lbs.
Prep Time:
Cook Time:

  • Cups 2 1/2 - Sugar
  • Lbs. 1 - Margarine (4 sticks) softened room temp.
  • Tbsp. 1 - Vanilla flavoring
  • Tbsp. 1 - Lemon flavoring
  • 8 - Eggs
  • Lbs. 2 - Pecans, chopped
  • Cups 2 - Plain flour
  • Cups 2 - Self Rising
  • Lbs. 2 - Candied Cherries chopped
  • Lbs. 2 - Candied Pineapple chopped

Preheat oven 250*

This makes 10 bls. of ready to cook cake

You can use one large pan or 6 two pound loaf tins.

Grease and lightly flour pans.  The cake should be mixed by hand, this is an easy cake to mix.

Use a large mixing bowl that will hold over 10 lbs. of mix.  Add sugar, margarine, and flavorings, mix well.  Add the eggs mixing after each one.  Add pecans, mix well.  Add plain flour and mix well after each cup.  Add self rising flour and mix well after each cup. Add candied cherries mixing well.  Add candied pineapple mixing well.

Bake for 3 hours if using a large pan.  If you are using the 2lb. loaf tins cook them about 1 1/2 hour, fill the loaf tins to about 3/4 full.

This is not a sweet, fruitie cake.  Sit back and have a cup of coffee and enjoy your cake.


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Maryline O. (acadia)
1/24/2009 8:49 PM ET
since this is not a sweet cake would a glase on it make it more festive with the fruit in it.