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Favorite Recipes: Fruit Cobbler

Recipe Author

Name: Mary B. (gracetogo)
Total Recipes: 2



Fruit Cobbler

Dish: Tarts & Pies
Dish Type: Other
Cooking Method: Baked
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Prep Time: 5 min
Cook Time: 35/40 mins

  • 1 cup - milk
  • 1 cup - sugar
  • 1 cup - flour
  • 1 can - any kind of fruit - I like peaches and berries

melt butter/ marg. in baking dish

 drain fruit  and add fruit on top - sit aside  (do not stir)

mix together in bowl - ( try to get all lumps out)




pour mixture over fruit. bake in 350 over for 35/ 40 mins or until top is good and brown 



Member Comments

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Mary O. (pudgie)
8/7/2008 9:17 PM ET
I would like to try this, but like the others, how much butter?
Deborah A. (deborah1175)
7/25/2008 11:07 AM ET
How much butter?
Christy K. (cjk)
7/23/2008 7:26 AM ET
how much butter?
Kim H. (misshunter)
7/22/2008 3:50 PM ET
I use this basic recipe but also add 1 tsp of vanilla and some cinamon to the mix.