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Topic: giving credits back to PBS

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Subject: giving credits back to PBS
Date Posted: 8/1/2007 2:45 PM ET
Member Since: 6/28/2006
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How do I buddy some credits back to PBS?  I know it can be done, but don't know how!

thebookpimp avatar
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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 2:49 PM ET
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Just add Robert (yddod) to your buddy list and then you can send them.

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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 2:49 PM ET
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Oh!  OK, I can do that!

annakanga avatar
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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 3:22 PM ET
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Just out of curiosity...why would you do this? I get why you buddy credits to other members, but why back to PBS?

surfgirl avatar
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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 3:36 PM ET
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One reason is...because they gave us each 3 free credits when we joined PBS. 

thebookpimp avatar
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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 5:12 PM ET
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Another  reason --  if you have a lot you aren't using and want to get them back into the system.  I have a WL with about 43 books, only which 3 are out right now. I have a TON of credits and a growing TBR pile. I recently donated 50 credits back to PBS. 

Someone may also donate them back to say Thank you!! to PBS and R&R for everything that they do for the members here, including keeing it a free site :)


Last Edited on: 8/1/07 5:21 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 5:30 PM ET
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This was the first time I really had a credit cushion, and I have 7 more on their way to me - donating them back to the site helps to keep it free!


lilynlilac avatar
Date Posted: 8/1/2007 5:38 PM ET
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So, if they go "back in the system", what happens to them?  What do R&R do with them if they're donated to them?

thebookpimp avatar
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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 5:50 PM ET
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They are used to give to new members when they sign up.  R&R have said before that each credit they give out (or book they need to cover for whatever reason) costs them money. So by donating some - it's saving them money - and us as well by keeping the site free.

royaltech avatar
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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 5:57 PM ET
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It's tax thing that causes them to have to have a cash reserve to cover all the credits that are available. So, for every credit they give to a new member, they have to cover it so that their assets balance. But, when people give credits back to them, they can decrease the number of credits that they have to cover by the amount of credits given to them.

lilynlilac avatar
Date Posted: 8/1/2007 6:16 PM ET
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Ok, gotcha!

annakanga avatar
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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 7:15 PM ET
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I didn't know this!  What a good thing it is to give credits back.  It must really irritate them, then, when people sign up just for the 3 free credits and then don't swap.  Those people should be filled in on the actual cost of the credits.  It may not make a difference for some, but it might for those with a conscience.

royaltech avatar
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Date Posted: 9/10/2007 8:45 PM ET
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That's a good thought, Lisa, I wonder if they ever thought about that? Awwww, it probably wouldn't help, most who have a conscience, are honest! hahahahaha

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Date Posted: 9/10/2007 9:02 PM ET
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The first time that you donate credits they send you a special thank you.  It was great to get and I felt good about giving back the credits I was given when i signed up.  I think the three credit - no strings attached - makes this site seem so friendly and welcoming.  I felt it was the least I could do to pay it back as I am here everyday!

swampfox28 avatar
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Date Posted: 9/11/2007 1:38 PM ET
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You know, I have heard of donating the credits back to R&R but frankly didn't really consider it for awhile.

First of all I was CONSTANTLY trying to get credits and seemed to almost never have enough. I remember reading that some people have over 50 stockpiled JUST for their wishlists, etc. I could hardly keep 3, so I just almost laughed at the idea of donating those hard-to-get, MUCH-adored credits.

Now that I'm starting to feel like I won't run out tomorrow, I think I will do this. I know for a fact that if it had cost $10 or $20 to join I wouldn't have wanted to pay for something that seems like it should be free. I see now how much effort is put into this site by the owners and the many volunteers that help out. There are so many kind people here and I feel like I have a network of friends all over the US.

I don't know if I'll EVER amass enough credits for my taste (I can't help it - I'm a BOOK JUNKIE!!!!!), but now that I have almost 20 I think it's time to say THANK YOU to R&R...


What a great thread!



LibraryHelper avatar
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Date Posted: 9/15/2007 10:18 PM ET
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I donated 3 credits back today. I havn't got a whole pile to spare, but I bought some books recently that are on the wish list, and once I have read them, they will be posted.

I can't wait to collect lots of new credits. I might even try and save up just to see how many I can collect, instead  of spending them, then running out!!!

swingsistert avatar
Date Posted: 9/16/2007 9:55 PM ET
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this is really neat. I've done this at Christmas time the past two years -- and I'm sure they appreciate the support. (I send a kind thank you note too..)

Cattriona avatar
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Date Posted: 9/17/2007 7:20 PM ET
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Wow, I was totally unaware of this issue -- I've just "repaid" my initial 3 credits to R&R -- thank you for helping feed our addiction :-)



KajunFriend avatar
Date Posted: 9/17/2007 10:42 PM ET
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If I ever get enough credits to donate, I'll do that.

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Date Posted: 9/18/2007 2:01 PM ET
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I'm very amused he has one book on his bookshelf, and it's a Grisham. :)