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Topic: Glitch working in my favor?

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EasyForTheEyes avatar
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Subject: Glitch working in my favor?
Date Posted: 7/23/2007 8:23 PM ET
Member Since: 12/10/2005
Posts: 3,205
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So another thread caused me to sort my wishlist by date and the 'oldest' book it says I put on my wishlist was placed there on 7/15/2005.  Which I find very interesting because I joined on 12/10/2005...about 5 months later than the wish!  Plus I know I didn't discover the author until November of 2006 so that's the earliest I would have been able to put it on my wishlist.

It says I am 2 of 12.  Makes me wonder if I have magically jumped in front of a few of those folks.  When I do get it I will be reading it quickly and reposting....probably less than a week turnaround so I won't feel overly guilty.  Just curious if anyone else has caught a similar glitch?  This is the only book....all the others are fine.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 7/23/2007 9:20 PM ET
Member Since: 3/8/2007
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Sounds like you got some good book karma.  It would probably be a big hassle to get you to the proper place in line if you indeed skipped ahead, so why not read it, and turn it right around as you plan on doing...


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Date Posted: 7/23/2007 9:25 PM ET
Member Since: 9/18/2005
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My guess is it's a date glitch that took place when the new site went into effect.  I doubt that it had any bearing on your (or anyone else's) standing in the WL line, but I could be wrong.

DPCW avatar
Date Posted: 7/24/2007 11:04 AM ET
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I agree it probably happened with the new site switch.  I would just read it and post it right away as you plan on doing.  I would hope that the date is messed up but your place in line is correct.

LesleyH avatar
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Date Posted: 7/24/2007 12:53 PM ET
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I have experienced a glitch like that.  I had a book on my WL offered to me, and then it was turned down due to my no smoking conditions, so I then went back onto the WL at #1.  When that happened, the date of the WL was the same you describe- 7/15/05.....I've only been a member of this site for 3 months, so that seemed weird to me!  I'm not sure what it's about either- but I do know that I moved up the WL normally and didn't jump ahead of anyone, except for when I had to go back on the WL as I said above.