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Topic: Gone - Thanks!

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Subject: Gone - Thanks!
Date Posted: 4/25/2009 10:39 PM ET
Member Since: 5/10/2005
Posts: 2,901
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I have all 18 volumes of Sensual Phrase by Mayu Shinjo.  Most of them are WL'd by multiple people, and only one of the non-WL'd is currently available.

They are in good shape, with just a bit of cover wear here and there.

I really don't want to split these up and be left with part of a series.   Looking for someone who wants all 18.

Last Edited on: 4/30/09 6:00 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
Sianeka avatar
Sianeka - ,
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Date Posted: 4/29/2009 4:47 PM ET
Member Since: 2/8/2007
Posts: 6,630
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PM'g you with offer.