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Topic: A good devotional that would fit my life right now?

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Subject: A good devotional that would fit my life right now?
Date Posted: 10/4/2007 3:51 PM ET
Member Since: 4/2/2006
Posts: 21
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I'd like some recommendations on good devotional books that would fit my life right now...

Single homeschooling mom of 4, going through some tough relationship issues (possibly finally giving in and divorcing after leaving things open to possibilities with kids' dad for 8 years. Situation has taken a turn for the wose and it's likely to really hurt the kids.

So themes of singleness, parenting, relationships, strength, faith, perseverance... would be good.

Thank you.


bookaholic avatar
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Date Posted: 10/4/2007 4:57 PM ET
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Shawna, There are several good devotionals out there but I am a big fan of those by Joyce Meyer. She has a way of helping me so much through her tapes and books. She has several. To name a few:





I especially like the last two.

I know that your situation will get better in time . My thoughts and prayers are for you and the kids. I hope that things work out for the best for you and them. There are times in life  that are so difficult, we don't know how we will get through them but we do ---with God's help. God bless you!


scotgirl avatar
Date Posted: 10/8/2007 7:27 PM ET
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Stick with the classics.  They may not specifically say "parenting", "singleness" etc but really when it comes to our walk with the Lord, it's really all about staying close to Him and having the right perspective, no matter what you're dealing with.  So I recommend anything by Amy Carmichael, Oswalt Chambers or (and she's not necessarily classic), Joni Eareckson Tada.  I just ordered Streams in the Desert by Mrs Charles Cowan for myself and I can't wait for it.

Hope you find something... I don't think I have any devos on my list right now, but I might take a look through my book shelf and see if there's something I can part with.  I have a hard time parting with devos - I love them!

scotgirl avatar
Date Posted: 10/8/2007 11:11 PM ET
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sorry I meant Oswald Chambers.... and also Oswald Sanders is also excellent.  Oh and Andrew Murray - I keep thinking of more! :-)

scotgirl avatar
Date Posted: 10/10/2007 2:50 PM ET
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I just posted a little devo I just found in the back of my closet ... it's called  "when God sees me through" by Anita Donihue.  It's based on Psalm 23 and looks very practical.  I can't really say anything about it because I haven't actually read it, but I flipped through it and looks very practical and encouraging.  Check out my list if you're interested, if not, no pffense taken :-)

