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Topic: Good Star Trek Authors??

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Subject: Good Star Trek Authors??
Date Posted: 8/1/2007 11:50 AM ET
Member Since: 8/21/2006
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Any one know some good authors that write star trek books.   The ones (not many) I’ve read this far just seem like printed fan fiction.

cakirkette avatar
Date Posted: 8/1/2007 5:26 PM ET
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Try John Vornholt or Diane Carey.


Shaylinn avatar
Date Posted: 8/1/2007 8:45 PM ET
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I'm a big fan of the Peter David New Frontier series of Star Trek.....

As Ronda mentioned Carey is good as well. 

Destructa avatar
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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 8:51 PM ET
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Some above average Trek books I've read:

Ishmael (TOS #23) by Barbara Hambly

Q-in-Law (TNG #18) by Peter David...Hilarious! David is a fan favorite, he mostly writes very good & humorous stories.  I also loved his Q-Squared.

Survivors (TNG #4) by Jean Lorrah...Exciting and moving, focuses on Yar.  I didn't like Lorrah's Metamorphosis as much, but she nailed this one.

The Pandora Principle (TOS #49) by Carolyn Clowes...well-plotted, focuses on Saavik.

In general, I find the collaborative books (3 or more authors) are lower quality.

BakFanLin avatar
Date Posted: 8/5/2007 12:29 AM ET
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Two words - one author:   PETER DAVID.

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Date Posted: 8/7/2007 1:08 PM ET
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Thanks for the replies.


I tried Peter David’s New Frontier series but found that it put me off.  I don’t know, the first 100 pages seem kind of macho YA to me.  I know it’s all build up for the new character but it seemed like he was writing for teens.  I skipped ahead and things were looking up and felt comfortable when I was reading some of the writing he was doing with the canon characters.

I put the book down and plan to go back to it; I’m just not looking forward to forcing myself through the first 100 pages.  (yeah, I'm one of those have to read the whole thing types)Hope the series is worth it, sounds like it might be.



Shaylinn avatar
Date Posted: 8/8/2007 12:42 AM ET
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I know what you mean about the first part of the first book but I would definately say it is worth it to fight through. I have to honestly say that Mac AKA M'k'n'zy has become one of my favorite Star Trek characters of all time and his crew is just a hoot.

I would LOVE to see this crew adapted for screen but I know it will never happen.

SO I'll make you a deal if you want .....  I've got a spare copy of Book 4 on my shelf (I'm keeping a full run for myself but doubled up that one by accident) I'll send it to you no charge and buddy you credits for books 2 and 3 if you get them and decide you don't like them.


bookmuncher avatar
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Date Posted: 8/9/2007 8:06 PM ET
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Vonda McIntyre, who is a really wonderful and award-winning straight SF writer as well, wrote a few good ones years back.

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Date Posted: 8/10/2007 11:22 AM ET
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Thank you for the offer, but I happen to have the hard cover that has the first four books.  After your comments I will make sure to read the book J




Thank you for the author tip.


bluephrog avatar
Subject: we agree with Peter david!!
Date Posted: 3/28/2008 6:26 AM ET
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I also love his non trekkie books like Knight Life and Apropos of Nothing ( I hope that title is correct...???)

william and deborah

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Subject: Yes, Peter David
Date Posted: 3/28/2008 9:00 PM ET
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This is Tammy's boyfriend and sci-fi-geek-in-residence Geoff ...

I didn't care that much for the New Frontier series, either, but I've enjoyed all of Peter David's other books:  Q-In-Law, Vendetta, Imzadi 1 & 2, and Q-Squared, just to name a few.

Some other good Trek authors:

A.C. Crispin (Yesterday's Son and Time for Yesterday)

Diane Carey (Dreahnought & Battlestations, and others)

Jean Lorrah (The Vulcan Academy Murders, The IDIC Epidemic)

Diane Duane (the Rihannsu books)

Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens (they've also written some excellent non-Trek techno-thriller books)

Brad Ferguson (The Lost Years series)

J.M. Dillard (Mindshadow, Demons, Possession)

Michael Jan Friedman (all of his stuff)

Greg Cox (the Khan trilogy)

David R. George III (the Crucible trilogy)

Carmen Carter (Dreams of the Raven - I mention it mainly because it's a McCoy book and I'm a McCoy fan)

As you read through these, you'll no doubt find more authors.  Have fun!