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Topic: Gossip Girls

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rainbowbrite98 avatar
Subject: Gossip Girls
Date Posted: 5/18/2009 9:25 PM ET
Member Since: 8/13/2008
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Have you read any of these? Opinions? Pros? Cons?

Cindy84 avatar
Date Posted: 5/19/2009 12:50 AM ET
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SO far I have read the 1st one only. I need to get the rest and start on them.  I liked the first one BUT theres a lot of differences between the show and the books, character wise, who dates whom, etc. But overall, I liked the one I did read.

donnatella avatar
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Date Posted: 5/19/2009 6:15 AM ET
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I've never made my way through one of the books (both recently and when I tried reading them as a teenager).

I love the TV show, though. 

ChicagoCubs avatar
Date Posted: 5/20/2009 8:36 AM ET
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I wasn't sure I was going to like them after I read the first book, but I did.  I am currently about to read the 8th book in the series.  They are very good. 

caviglia avatar
Date Posted: 5/20/2009 8:08 PM ET
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I've read the first three.  They're pretty fun.  The books are much more realistic than the TV show IMO.  They read to me mostly like social satire, but I'm not sure if they would read that way to an actual YA, which is a little worrisome. 

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Date Posted: 5/22/2009 9:15 AM ET
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They bored me. I'm all for escapist, fun YA lit but those just couldn't keep me interested.