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The Eclectic Pen - Great Spirit

By: Sandra M.  
Date Submitted: 4/30/2008
Genre: Literature & Fiction » Poetry
Words: 136

  Here I am a simple white woman,

Finding You in all that I see and hear.

I hear You in the melodies the birds sing each day,

And I see You in their delicate feathers.

I hear You in the passing thunderstorms,

And see You in the bold but intricate lightning.

I hear You in the water trickling over the pebbles,

And I see You in the waves on the shore.

I see You in every blade of grass,

In every rock in my view,

And in every cloud in the sky.

My heart yearns for Your presence,

My spirit quietly awaits Your voice.

I come in humble awe and respect for You and Your creation.

May I prove to be an asset and not a hindrance.

May wisdom be the path that I always walk.

Allow the sincere and true to see my heart,

And not just the color of my skin.

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Sandra M.

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Daniel P. (academiclimber) - 4/30/2008 6:54 PM ET
Eva L. (wearetrees) - 5/9/2008 8:26 PM ET
lovely imagery...simple and serene.
Elektra A. (poetryindespair) - 5/28/2008 4:56 AM ET
soothing imagry. I like this because it has obvious spiritual meaning, but most religions can read it and feel it as thier own.
Comments 1 to 3 of 3