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Topic: High school summer reading list

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Subject: High school summer reading list
Date Posted: 6/10/2007 11:58 AM ET
Member Since: 4/29/2007
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My teenage daughter has to read 3 books from the below list. I have not read any of these. Are there books that stand out that she would like better than the others?


The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton

Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood

Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

The Awakening by Kate Chopin

Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky

East of Eden by John Steinbeck

The French Lieutenant’s Woman by John Fowles

The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton

Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy

Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert

Middlemarch by George Eliot

Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf

Pere Goriot by Honore Balzac

The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy

Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser

Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys


heavenams avatar
Date Posted: 6/10/2007 12:06 PM ET
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i read east of eden when it was an oprah pick and really enjoyed it. i have not read any of the others yet, but plan on reading the wide sargasso sea soon. i did try to read mrs. dalloway, but have been unable to get into it yet.

Caryn9802 avatar
Date Posted: 6/10/2007 12:33 PM ET
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I read The Age of Innocence in college and really enjoyed it. 

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Date Posted: 6/10/2007 12:38 PM ET
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I liked East of Eden

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Date Posted: 6/10/2007 2:18 PM ET
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i do too one of the best books is the giver but thats not on the list

achadamaia avatar
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Date Posted: 6/10/2007 3:22 PM ET
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I have read a couple of these House of Mirth, East of Eden, Age of Innocence, the Awakening, and Grapes of Wrath.  It's a little difficultt not knowing what your daughter likes.  I would pick East of Eden, Age of Innocence, and the Awakening.

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booktopia avatar
Date Posted: 6/10/2007 4:52 PM ET
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Wide Sargasso Sea is an excellent story. Although the book can stand alone, she'd get more out of that one if she's read Jane Eyre. The Awakening is also very good and it is probably the shortest book on her list. Along with these two, I'd pick House of Mirth if it were my summer reading list. I teach 11th grade English and  they only have a list of 5 books to choose from for their summer reading so your daughter is pretty lucky!

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vprosser avatar
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Date Posted: 6/10/2007 6:56 PM ET
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Wow, when I was in high school, we didn't even have a summer reading list.  I majored in English in college, and (sorry to say) I have not read a single one from your list!  <<hiding in shame>>

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Date Posted: 6/10/2007 7:42 PM ET
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East Of Eden is really good, I haven't read any of the other ones.

tchstroo avatar
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Date Posted: 6/10/2007 9:36 PM ET
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Grapes of Wrath & East of Eden are great.


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Date Posted: 6/11/2007 3:08 AM ET
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I have read Alias Grace, The Awakening, and Mrs. Dalloway and they were all excellent books that I'd reccomend to anyone. I especially loved Mrs. Dalloway. Your daughter is quite lucky to have such a list to choose from. I would suggest that she read synopses and possibly brief reviews of each book and choose the ones which interest her the most, especially if she's not a big reader. Even as a voracious reader I know reading for school can become tedious but is much less so when the books can at least hold my interest.

sassenach avatar
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Date Posted: 6/11/2007 10:14 AM ET
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I am a big Steinbeck fan, so I would vote for East of Eden and Grapes of Wrath.

iluvlibros avatar
Date Posted: 6/11/2007 10:35 AM ET
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I would NOT pick Madame Bovary. That was the ONE book in high school English class that I never finished. I just hated it.

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Date Posted: 6/11/2007 11:17 AM ET
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I've read several of those books, mostly for high school and/or college.  I can't say that any of them are what I'd call "fun" reading, but most are still quite good, though they are quite heavy reading.  The ones I remember liking the most are Grapes of Wrath and Age of Innocence.

bananapancakes avatar
Date Posted: 6/11/2007 1:12 PM ET
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East of Eden is my all time favorite novel.  You could get it for her, and then read it yourself too! Anna Karenina is great too.. i read it in high school myself.

VeganFreak avatar
Date Posted: 6/12/2007 3:19 PM ET
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The Awakening, The Grapes of Wrath, and Alias Grace are my votes.

Mainly because I think they will be easier for a teen to get into. Some of those books are great, but might bore her cross-eyed if she's not a big reader.

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maggiethecat avatar
Date Posted: 6/12/2007 9:22 PM ET
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I read East of Eden for my AP English class 10 years ago and LOVED it! It still has a place of honour on my bookshelves. Also, Madame Bovary and Age of Innocence are excellent books.
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Date Posted: 6/13/2007 1:42 AM ET
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I'd say the three most "approachable" books would be: East of Eden, Grapes of Wrath and Mrs. Dalloway.

Unless your daughter is a very precocious literature fiend, I'd advise her staying away from Dostoevsky, Hardy and Balzac.

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Date Posted: 7/5/2007 10:47 AM ET
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I have read many of them. I am an English teacher. The Giver is a great book as you say, but it is usually assigned to younger readers ( grade 7 or 8). Summer reading lists here are given for Honors English candidates. Most of the books on her list are classics, and some are quite challenging. You did not say what grade your daughter is going to be in for the next school. I find the list rather extensive. We prefer quality reading to quantity and usually assign 5 books only.
Jenny avatar
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Date Posted: 7/5/2007 11:55 AM ET
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I loved loved loved Alias Grace. And I'll second the poster who detested Madame Bovary. Ugh, I couldn't stand Madame Bovary (which is the point, I suppose, but it doesn't make for great summer reading, IMHO). Jude the Obscure is fairly harsh, as I recall...

A bunch of others are on my long-term TBR list. I'll have to bump up East of Eden, based on the other posts here!

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crawford avatar
Date Posted: 7/5/2007 2:20 PM ET
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Pere Goriot by Balzac is a favorite of mine, and you can't go wrong with The Grapes of Wrath.

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Date Posted: 7/5/2007 2:30 PM ET
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I liked East of Eden pretty well.

MediumDebbi avatar
Date Posted: 7/5/2007 3:02 PM ET
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I have read and would recommend : Alias Grace, East of Eden, Jude the Obscure.

Jude the Obscure is esp a good read if your kid thinks that life sucks, in fact thats a pretty strong theme in all of Hardy's novels but Jude is really the one who punctuates this theme. East of Eden is good for family relationships, so is Anna Karenina,

Alias Grace and the Awakening good for womens place in society and predicament themes.

Never got into Mrs. Dalloway,might try that again.


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Date Posted: 7/5/2007 3:17 PM ET
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Wow, that is a great list.  I have read most of them and would suggest:

The Age of Innocence - Edith Wharton

Alias Grace - Margaret Atwood

East of Eden - John Steinbeck (I like Grapes of Wrath better but it might be really hard going for a teenager unless she is a real reader)

Wide Sargasso Sea is good also but would be better if she has read Jane Eyre already

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Date Posted: 7/5/2007 3:20 PM ET
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I read The Awakening in high school and college and got something different from it each time. Fantastic book.
