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Topic: Hit the jackpot at the FOL store!

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j0j0ruca avatar
Subject: Hit the jackpot at the FOL store!
Date Posted: 5/9/2009 11:02 PM ET
Member Since: 4/7/2009
Posts: 2,372
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I'm so glad I dragged my niece into the library with me today.  I hit the jackpot at the FOL store inside the library.

I walked out with:

Pride: Rachel VIncent
Blood Bargain: Maria Lima
Curse The Dawn: Karen Chance
All Souls Night: Jennifer Armintrout
Magic to the Bone" Devon Monk
Servant The Acceptance: LL Foster
Prey: Melina Morel
The Devil Inside: Jenna Black
Dancing with Werewolves: Carole Nelson Douglas
Plus the copy of Changeling I picked up at the GW last week (plus all th ebooks I just ordered to fill in the gaps of the some of the series above)...I have a nice growing TBR pile.  The best part is when I'm done they will be passed on to others here.
bouncy01 avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 5/9/2009 11:49 PM ET
Member Since: 5/14/2008
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You did good!





faeriekissedgirl avatar
Date Posted: 5/11/2009 12:49 PM ET
Member Since: 8/27/2008
Posts: 7
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I can't wait for ours on the 16th!

j0j0ruca avatar
Date Posted: 5/12/2009 11:39 PM ET
Member Since: 4/7/2009
Posts: 2,372
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Woo hoo

My Roomie had to get his passport and the library offers a walk in service.  So of course I went with him and checked out the FOL store (again).  I managed to get Angels Blood:Nalini Singh and Witch Heart:Anya Blast.  I picked up World War Z for my fiance who has a zombie thing.  After I paid I did another look-see and somehow I missed Kitty Raises Hell and Kitty and the Dead Man's Hand.  I'm one  happy camper.