The most horrible, disturbing nightmare I ever had was last night. The dream starts with my husband and myself and 2 of our friends Greg and Brenda, we are traveling to my moms apartment, { my mom does not live in an apartment} we get there and a bunch of people come so we leave and I am driving this big Cadillac and we have to cross over old tires and cinder blocks to get out of moms driveway. Then we are going down the main street in the town we lived in about 15 years ago and our 4 year old grandson is with us now, and all the businesses have a set up where every body is dressed up for Halloween and kids are trick or treating and I tell my husband we should take Grandson, and he agrees. So I am walking with him and all of a sudden he disappears and then I see him in the window of a big blue van. Some how I catch that van and get grandson back and the next thing I remember is grandson telling me " Maw Maw that man was going to put me in the ground" I woke up at 1am my heart pounding and so upset I had to get up. It is now 3pm the same day and that dream is still with me and has plagued me all day today. When grandson was learning to walk in his walker I had a dream that he pulled my deep fryer off on him, in my dream it was full of hot oil. A couple months later grandson pulled the deep fryer off on himself, just like in my dream except I was cleaning the fryer and there was no oil in it, it just fell on the tray of his walker and scared us both half to death. So you see why this latest dream has me so upset and paranoid? He is my only grandson from my only son. He means so much to My husband and I. I pray to my Lord Jesus Christ to be with my grandson and protect him from the evil of this world. |