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Favorite Recipes: Hot Puffed Crab Spread

Recipe Author

Name: Elizabeth D. (ElizabethD)
Total Recipes: 1



Hot Puffed Crab Spread

Dish: Appetizers
Dish Type: Other
Cooking Method: Broiled
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Servings: 2 Doz
Prep Time: 15
Cook Time: 15

  • 8 oz. 1 package - Regular Cream Cheese
  • 2 TBS - Cream
  • 2 teas. - Tabasco
  • 1 teas. - Worcestershire Sauce
  • 8 oz. 1 can - Crabmeat
  • 1 loaf - Bagette

In food processor add cream cheese, cream, tabasco, worcestershire sauce.  Pulse blend till smooth, scrapping sides at least once. Fold in crabment till mixed in but don't use processor for this.  Slice up your bagette, spread on the crabmeat mixture.  Set aside at this point for up to a day in the refridgerator till ready to broil. Broil for about 5 minutes or until lightly toasted and puffy.  Pass around immediatly and enjoy the compliments!   I have in the past garnished these with parsley, sliced olives, sliced pimentos, sliced almonds,  whatever I have on hand.  Sometimes if I have some grated cheddar cheese I'll throw this in with the cream cheese mixture, just a handful.


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