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Topic: How far in advance do you plan.....

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flchris avatar
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Subject: How far in advance do you plan.....
Date Posted: 5/5/2009 6:23 PM ET
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...what you are going to read?  I straightened up my jumbled bookshelf last night and put the keepers on one shelf, the ones I have posted on another and the TBR pile on another.  The TBR pile was smaller than I thought.  I arranged it in order that I would read them, knowing that books I have ordered or are WL will go in front of the ones toward the end.  So my line-up looks like this:

-Northern Lights (Nora Roberts) then    Every Breath You Take (Judith McNaught).  That should get me to vacation in a couple of weeks.

-Sisterchicks in Wooden Shoes (Robin Jones Gunn) releases a couple of days before vacation.  I will not be able to resist the temptation to buy it and I may not even be able to resist the temptation to read it before vacation!

-The last 4 Julia Quinn's that I need to finish her's off

-2 Jennifer Weiners

-Then I'll start on Susan Donovan  and read all of her's. 

-Two Alexander McCall Smith

That would get me through the summer (adding in the new Women's Murder Club and Stephanie Plum whenever I get them from the WL)

That's a long time!

Last Edited on: 5/5/09 6:24 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
chiricahuagal avatar
Date Posted: 5/5/2009 6:47 PM ET
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I just go with how I'm feeling. Hopefully my TBR always contains something for every mood - light contemporaries, long, involved series, suspense, historicals. Oh, plus I have about 5 ongoing challenges that also guide me.

gingerkitty avatar
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Date Posted: 5/5/2009 7:27 PM ET
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I can't plan either.  I usually have an idea which book I'll go for next but if I get in something else that sounds better, that's definitely up first.  When I finish a book, I usually just browse my TBR books and choose one that sounds good.  Sometimes, I'll start sevearl books before finding the one that I'll stick with and sounds good at that time.

pioneervalleygirl avatar
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Date Posted: 5/5/2009 7:37 PM ET
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I used to make appointments with my books but it always fell apart halfway through the "schedule" so these days I just semi-plan my next read; that's about as far ahead as I can go these days. I've gotten into series lately which is a pain because if I have one of the books the rest are at the library and I'm getting books there instead of tackling my own TBR.

I read through all 7 "Blackbird Sisters" mysteries in March and April; then I started the Joanne Fluke books but I'm holding back reading through that entire series - pacing myself, otherwise I'd get nothing else read.

Between the forums here and the Yahoo groups I'm on there are always books or authors I'm not familiar with being mentioned so I can't stand it and have to try those too, so even if I wrote up a list of books to read next the list would go bye-bye very quickly. Gail

willaful avatar
Date Posted: 5/5/2009 8:10 PM ET
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I go with how I'm feeling, what's due at the library, what's a paperback (for the gym). Really not a planner, I like to go with my whims. That's why I don't join challenges.

JENinVT avatar
Date Posted: 5/5/2009 9:28 PM ET
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I'm not a planner either. My reading choices are based on my mood and how crazy, or not, life is at the moment. I also like to keep a variety in my TBR. I enjoy all kinds as long as there's a HEA.  I can't read more than 2 or 3 books in a row by the same author. It doesn't matter how much I love the author  I start paying more attention to the writing style of the author and less to the actual story.

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Date Posted: 5/5/2009 9:36 PM ET
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I'm not much of a planner. I do sometimes if I have multiple game books that I know I'm going to have to mail soon. But usually I just go for whatever is calling to me the most. Sometimes I can't decide and so I start 2 and see which one excites me more.

CWGal avatar
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Date Posted: 5/5/2009 10:03 PM ET
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My planning only involves getting library books read and returned before they're overdue. As far as my TBR pile goes, I may pick up a book and start it only to find out I'm not in the mood for it, put it back and start something else. And I may do this several times before I'm satisifed.

LesleyH avatar
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Date Posted: 5/5/2009 10:15 PM ET
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I don't- my mood for what I feel like reading changes all the time, so I can't really plan like you do.  What I did do was organize my books in the bookcase by type- so all of the historicals are together, all the paranormals, contemporaries, etc., so that when I am thinking "gee, I feel like reading a contemporary", I can just go to that section and see what my choices are.  I just can't commit too far ahead of time though- I never know when I'll hit the wall and get sick of whatever I'm reading and need to go another direction.

lighthouse-lady avatar
Date Posted: 5/5/2009 10:37 PM ET
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Ditto what Shari said.

If I have library books out, I usually try to read them (without renewing them a gazillion  If I have books that are WL books that I doubt I'll keep, I try to read them quick so I can post them.  Otherwise it's a crap shoot - depends on what I'm in the mood for.

gremlin avatar
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Date Posted: 5/6/2009 2:10 AM ET
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mainly i alternate romance and sf&f, and these days i rarely read series books back to back.

i pull together a mini-TBR for the month at the beginning of every month.  i start thinking about what to put in it when i'm near the end of the month before, and then i pick whatever i'm in the mood for from that pile rather than putting it in order.  i try to leave room to add library books that come in, things that might show up or are coming out and i can't wait for, and/or something i might add for a swap i don't already have a book for.

JuneRose29 avatar
Date Posted: 5/6/2009 6:51 AM ET
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I never plan on new books for vacation or extended periods away from home.  If I bring a new one, I always have a keeper with me as well....this way if the new one doesn't cut it, I can always turn to a sure thing.

ContentedReader avatar
Date Posted: 5/6/2009 9:49 AM ET
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Also ditto what Shari said.

I've tried to plan ahead/schedule books. It just doesn't work for me, I'm never in the mood to read what I planned to read. Murphy's Law for readers perhaps? Of course thanks to PBS my TBR pile is large enough I always find something to read *grin*.

pamelap avatar
Date Posted: 5/6/2009 10:32 AM ET
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I finish a book and then I go look :)

I never know what I'm going to read next. I may "think" I'm going to read a certain book when I finish one but more often than not I change my mind when I get there.

mamadoodle avatar
Date Posted: 5/6/2009 1:49 PM ET
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I don 't.  I just alternate between genre's.

davesmsperfect avatar
Date Posted: 5/6/2009 2:03 PM ET
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I find if I try to plan what to read that I get bored really fast. I read whatever sounds good at the time.

gremlin avatar
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Date Posted: 5/6/2009 6:18 PM ET
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I never plan on new books for vacation or extended periods away from home.

heh.  i had a whole paragraph on picking books for vacation, then deleted it before posting.  :)

i start picking books for vacation as soon as we book something, or a couple of months in advance, whichever is closer.  (we're bad about that, and often only book about a month before we're leaving.)  i pretty much never bring new authors, since DH already freaks out about how many books i bring so i have to be able to read everything i bring.  lots of things from series i'm enjoying, and new books from authors i already enjoy.

the one time i brought an unknown book (mom had really liked), i'm on the plane ride home that's the last book i haven't read yet - and a few pages in i realized that not only had i already read it, i *really* disliked it, apparently enough to blank out on the book and author.

booklover6 avatar
Date Posted: 5/6/2009 6:39 PM ET
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At the beginning I tried planning out monthly lists. I have given that up. I ended up reading things that were not on the list, then feeling mildly guilty because I never got to half the books on the list. I really don't need any more guilt in my life LOL. Now the only ones I plan are the ones I have committed to games.

flchris avatar
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Date Posted: 5/6/2009 6:42 PM ET
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I guess I'm the only pent-up complusive planner! Maybe you guys can teach me to be more laid-back and go with the flow.

pioneervalleygirl avatar
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Date Posted: 5/6/2009 6:49 PM ET
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When I go away I usually bring twice as many books as days I'll be gone - within a reasonable amount of course. I usually run up to Maine for  long (4-day) weekends and bring 8-9  books because I know if I only bring 2-3 none of them will catch my interest. If I go away for more than a week I'll bring at least a book-a-day, books I won't mind ditching as I read them, like BookCrossing without the stickers and labels.  Gail


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Date Posted: 5/7/2009 6:54 AM ET
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Like Anne the only ones planned are swap books- and even then every once in awhile I mail out a game book unread. :p

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Date Posted: 5/7/2009 7:37 AM ET
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I have way too many and usually go with my mood though I do pull out mini-stacks that I think I may get to and shuffle them around from time to time.