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Favorite Recipes: How to Make Your Own Biscuit Mix

Recipe Author

Name: K. R. P. S. (THEkrps)
Total Recipes: 21



How to Make Your Own Biscuit Mix

Dish: Muffins & Biscuits
Dish Type: Other
Cooking Method: Baked
Difficulty: 5 / 10
Prep Time:
Cook Time:

  • 5 C - Flour
  • 2 t - Salt
  • 2 ½ T - Baking powder
  • 1 C - Chilled shortening that does not need to be refrigerated
  • ¼ C - Shgar
  • - - - For quick biscuits:
  • 2 C - Homemade biscuit mix (above)
  • ½ C - Milk

How to Make Your Own Biscuit Mix

By MarlaineMarie


The price of biscuit mix makes it worth it to make your own. Making it yourself also assures the freshness of the mix.

You will need a pastry blender or an attachment for a mixer that can cut the shortening into the flour


  1. Mix the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt in a large bowl. Chunk up the shortening and lightly drop into the flour. Chill the whole bowl and contents for the best results or chill the shortening ahead of time.
  2. With a pastry blender or cutting attachment, cut in the shortening just until it resembles coarse crumbs. The less handling the better! You can use two knives if you don't have a pastry blender or good attachment. Using a fork would mash it together too much.

Store in an air-tight container. It will stay good for 10 to 12 weeks, unrefrigerated. It stores well for 8 months or more in the fridge or a year in the freezer. This recipe makes about 6 cups of biscuit mix but can easily be doubled.

Quick biscuits:



  1. Use second set of ingredients (2 C Homemade biscuit mix (above); and ½ Milk)
  2. Stir lightly together just until the dough follows the fork around.
  3. Kneed on a lightly floured board for about 10 turns. (2 T. parsley added to this recipe complements chicken dishes well.)
  4. Pat to about 3/4 inch thick and cut with a floured biscuit cutter or a glass dipped in flour.
  5. Bake at 450ºF for about 10 minutes on a baking sheet. Makes about 8 biscuits.


My notes:

Yeah measurements! But I still have *some* suggested adjustments. 

  • Entire mix: I did not make the mix, I just cut the recipe in ½ and made it that way. In the future, I'd probably make closer to a 1/3. Other than adding the cheese to them to make biscuits, these were good!
  • (This recipe is used in Leftover Pork & Biscuit Casserole, which can be found at:

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