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The Eclectic Pen - I do

By: Sarah J. (RedFeather)   + 7 more  
Date Submitted: 2/8/2007
Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting » Relationships
Words: 87

  What does "I do" really mean?

Does it mean that you can lie to me throughout our marriage?
Does it mean that you can cheat on me when you are gone away then come back to me and pretend to love me?

Does committment and fidelity mean nothing to you?
Do you even have a conscience to not once apologize for leaving me, for lying to me and cheating?

Does responsibility mean nothing to you?
Does marriage mean nothing to you?
Are you ever going to grow up?

Apparently not


sorry had to get it out

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Sarah J. (RedFeather)

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Comments 1 to 5 of 5
Claudia (BrokenWing) - 2/8/2007 9:33 AM ET
Sorry you're going through this...I've been there.
Lance C. - 2/9/2007 5:58 PM ET
sorry but everything with be ok. keep your head up, move on.
Christine E. (Scaper) - , - 2/10/2007 5:22 PM ET
Well said !!!
Janet C. (janutee) - 2/13/2007 9:59 PM ET
All that means "I DON'T!"
Kristen D. - 4/21/2007 10:48 AM ET
Something about those words tend to scare the Bee-Jesus out of out men... All of the bad ones anyway...
Comments 1 to 5 of 5