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Topic: ISO first printing of Star Trek novel

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Subject: ISO first printing of Star Trek novel
Date Posted: 6/2/2009 1:37 AM ET
Member Since: 6/1/2007
Posts: 9
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Hello all! I'm hoping to get hold of a first printing of Killing Time, by Della van Hise, which is a Star Trek TOS tie-in novel. There are a number of copies in the system, but I'm specifically looking for the first printing--the one BEFORE the book was recalled by the publisher, heavily edited, and reissued.

First printings are identifiable because on the cover, the title is printed in slightly raised gold letters, rather than the flat letters of later editions.

Anybody have this edition on your PBS bookshelf?


ETA: Found one, although in a bookstore rather than on PBS. Thanks to all who read this posted and checked their shelves.



Last Edited on: 6/10/09 4:44 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
Bookfever avatar
Date Posted: 6/9/2009 2:14 AM ET
Member Since: 7/26/2008
Posts: 13
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Hi Candace,

Just curious (since I don't have the book) have you read the two different copies?  Are they vastly different?


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Date Posted: 6/10/2009 4:41 AM ET
Member Since: 6/1/2007
Posts: 9
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Hi Bookfever!

I actually managed to find a copy of the first printing at a local used bookstore, which was unexpected and very nice.

There are something like 50 changes that were made between the first and second printings, including the removal of passages and major changes to others. Basically the publisher didn't like how Kirk and Spock's friendship was portrayed in the first version. I haven't read the second version, but I assume that so many changes had a fairly serious impact.




Last Edited on: 6/10/09 4:42 AM ET - Total times edited: 1