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jhansen avatar
Date Posted: 8/17/2007 12:34 PM ET
Member Since: 4/17/2007
Posts: 871
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You guys always have such great and yummy recipes, so I thought I would post here for some new ideas.

I work in the kitchen of an assissted living home, and twice a day we provide snacks for about 20 people, ages range from 30-90+.  We normally provide cake, cookies, brownies, chips & dip, cheese & crackers, fresh fruit and veggies, pudding, jello . . that sort of thing.  I'm in search of things that are quick and easy to make.  We have a wide variety of ingrediants on hand for baking, and usually have about 30-60 minutes of time for prep.

What do you like to snack on?


LesleyH avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 8/17/2007 12:58 PM ET
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Here's a really good one for fruit and oatmeal bars.  This originally came from the Simple & Delicious magazine, and I tend to like to mix and match different fruits and/or nuts for variety.  My favorite combination is dried cherries, mini chocolate chips, and walnuts.  Here is the orignial recipe- you can use the basic ingredients and switch out the fruits and whatnot if you like.  It's really easy to throw together, especially if you use dried fruits and nuts, which don't need to be chopped.  Another note- I usually reduce the amount of butter to about 2 tbsp. to reduce the fat content, also use only about 3/4 cup of brown sugar, and it still tastes great.

3 c quick oats

1 c packed brown sugar

2 tsp baking powder

1 tsp salt

1 tbsp cinnamon

2 eggs

1 c milk

½ c butter, melted

¾ c chopped, peeled apple

1/3 c fresh or frozen peaches

1/3 c fresh or frozen blueberries

In a large bowl, combine the oats, brown sugar, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Combine the eggs, milk and butter; add to the dry ingredients. Stir in the apple, peaches and blueberries. Pour into an 8-in. square baking dish coated with nonstick cooking spray. Bake, uncovered, at 350° for 35-40 minutes or until a knife inserted near the center comes out clean. Cut into squares. Serve with milk if desired. Yield: 9 servings. Editor's Note: If using frozen blueberries, do not thaw before adding to batter.

Last Edited on: 8/17/07 12:59 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
jhansen avatar
Date Posted: 8/17/2007 2:08 PM ET
Member Since: 4/17/2007
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Thanks Lesley!  That sounds really good and very easy!  We'll give it a try!

Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 8/22/2007 2:30 PM ET
Member Since: 2/15/2006
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Here's one my scouts like

take an apple, core out the center, put a small "plug" of  peanut butter at the bottom, place it on a cupcake paper; put some raisens, choc chips, and nuts in the center and add some more peanut butter to the top to seal it.  It gets kind of messy at the end though --but it tastes great and you can suprise them with what you stuff in the center (even whipped cream or a chopped up hostess cupcake, or brownies, or reeses cups)


jhansen avatar
Date Posted: 8/23/2007 9:05 AM ET
Member Since: 4/17/2007
Posts: 871
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yumm!  Fran that sounds really good!  Thanks for the idea!

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 10/2/2007 11:49 PM ET
Member Since: 1/8/2007
Posts: 358
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More quick snack recipes would be great for the PBS COOKBOOK!


I have the recipes to here.
