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Topic: The Illuminator by Brenda Rickman Vantrease (Warning - Definite Spoilers)

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Doughgirl avatar
Subject: The Illuminator by Brenda Rickman Vantrease (Warning - Definite Spoilers)
Date Posted: 8/5/2007 12:30 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2005
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I read this book last summer (listened to the audio version actually) and wondered if anyone else here has read it and what they thought of it.

I liked it  ... until near the end.  The whole topic of translating the Bible into English was fascinating.   To me it seemed pretty historically accurate with realistic characters (although I fully admit to not being an expert, so correct me if you need to).   And I understand that life in the middle ages was often brutal - so that part didn't surprise me.  But towards the end of the story when SO MANY bad things were happening to this family, it just seemed unreal.   I mean, one son is murdered and left dead in a ditch by the side of a road.   The other son comes along later, recognizes his brother (despite the passage of time) and is himself murdered at that point.   And the mother never finds out what happened to either of her sons. And this was on top of all of the tragedies already suffered by that family.   This just seemed like a stretch to me. 

It was a little like a medieval soap opera - entertaining but with an unrealistic plot.

lilynlilac avatar
Date Posted: 8/5/2007 2:42 PM ET
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I loved this book!  :)  I'm so mad at myself that I traded it here, I had meant it to be a keeper!

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Date Posted: 8/13/2007 4:25 PM ET
Member Since: 6/20/2007
Posts: 63
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I just got it a few months ago....but i haven't read it yet.  ;)  I controlled my urge to read the first post and resisted.  I'm still reading THREADS by Nell Gavin...15 pages left.  Thats a keeper too.