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Favorite Recipes: Irish Sweepstakes

Recipe Author

Name: Linda A. (linnybo)
Total Recipes: 4



Irish Sweepstakes

Dish: One-dish Meals
Dish Type: Meats
Cooking Method: Baked
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Servings: 8-10
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 30-40 minutes

  • 1 lb - Ground Beef or Ground Turkey
  • 2 cups - shredded pizza cheese
  • 1 large - egg
  • 1 tspn - onion powder
  • to taste - morton's nature's seasoning (or just salt)
  • to taste - pepper
  • 4-5 - English Muffins or Crumpets cut in half.
  • - butter

Mix  first 6 ingrediants in a  mixing bowl. It's easier to mix these together with your hands. (Messy, but easier.) Wash hands. Cut muffins in half. Toast english muffins. Butter  the halves, and place them on a foil covered baking sheet. Spread meat and cheese mixture over the top of each toasted buttered muffin. Wash hands again.  Bake in oven at 400 degrees till meat is done. Serve.


My grandmother used to make these for our family every Christmas eve. The family loved them. She used ground beef, and of course a much larger recipe. I have recently discovered that they are delicious made with ground Turkey. These are an easy one dish meal. Kids and adults both love them. Enjoy!

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Sally L.
1/10/2010 10:56 PM ET
this sounds like a quick lunch. i would have to use fat free cheeese but i am sure it would taste the same
1/9/2010 2:17 AM ET
Sounds good! I'm going to try this soon. Will let you know how mine turn out!