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Favorite Recipes: Jello Popcorn Balls

Recipe Author

Name: Donna D. (grandmakitty)
Total Recipes: 63



Jello Popcorn Balls

Dish: Snacks
Dish Type: Other
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Prep Time:
Cook Time:

  • 6 Tbsp - margarine
  • 3 cups - mini marshmallows
  • 1 sm box - jello, any flavor you want to use
  • 4 qts - popped popcorn

Pop the popcorn. Combine the margarine and marshmallows in a saucepan over medium heat.  Stir until melted.  Pour in the jello and stir well.  Bring it to a boil.  Butter your hands well.  Pour jello mixture over the popped corn and form into balls.  Wrap in plastic wrap.  Orange ones are good for Halloween.  I like to make red and green ones at Christmas time.  The kids love them.  Fast and easy to make. 


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