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Topic: Kids books sci fi and more

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Whirlgirl avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Subject: Kids books sci fi and more
Date Posted: 8/6/2007 9:36 AM ET
Member Since: 2/16/2007
Posts: 269
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I am trying to clear my bookshelf...I am open to all reasonable deals.  Please take a look ...if you would like more than 1 lets make a deal.  PM me.


Last Edited on: 8/6/07 3:08 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Whirlgirl avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 8/6/2007 3:08 PM ET
Member Since: 2/16/2007
Posts: 269
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adopteesministry avatar
Standard Member medal
Date Posted: 8/7/2007 12:16 AM ET
Member Since: 11/27/2006
Posts: 922
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Hi from Jody- I have recently ordered  from you- Would you take 1 credit for Spirit of Open Adoption by Jim Gritter and New American Families and their Chinese Daughters??  I continue to collect adoption books for my adoption library of my support group.

Thanks for letting me know, Jody