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Topic: Do you know the title of this book...I'm thinking it is an oldie!!!!

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Subject: Do you know the title of this book...I'm thinking it is an oldie!!!!
Date Posted: 9/2/2007 11:18 AM ET
Member Since: 4/15/2006
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OK, I'm remembering this book, but not much about it may not be enough to jog someone's memory...

I'm guessing it would have been mid-late 80's when I read it. 

I remember this young lady traveling by train, I believe she was going home....and there was another lady in the seat next to her that was traveling to meet a man...I can't remember if it is a mail order bride thing or what...

It is a very rural location, so when the train pulls in and the lady sees only one man at the station and realizes that this is the man she is supposed to meet....she leaves her seat and moves to another part of the train to avoid him...but before she does...she dumps a letter onto the seat next to the other girl...and of course the other girl is busy looking out the window and doesn't notice any of this....

So...when no lady gets off the train, the man...who I believe is some big huge hairy monster of a man, gets on the train and he is angry because he thinks she has gotten a good look at him and is not going to get off the train...well he goes down the aisle and when his eyes fall on the letter next to this woman, he picks her up, throws her over his shoulder and takes her home....I think she is so stunned that she doesn't fight or do anything....

At some point he is able to realize that he has made a mistake, but he can't get her home and I'm thinking it has something to do with how rural the location is...maybe something along the lines of having to wait for spring?

The woman is very young and I can't remember if there are any love scenes or not...In that point I read a lot of christian romance also so I don't know if it was a harlequin type book or a christian book or what.

I remember that they obviously fall in love and he is prepared to take her home and she doesn't know how to tell him that she wants to stay...

and this is the wierd part....there is something about a box of buttons...for some reason I remember those stupid buttons...she has a button collection that is important to her for some reason and I can't remember why or how they play into the story....

Well, that's all I can remember! 

Melissa B.






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Date Posted: 9/2/2007 11:52 AM ET
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It's COME SPRING by Landis

Hero :BUCk

Heroine: ANNIKA

BUTTONS was the  little baby niece's name :)

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Date Posted: 9/2/2007 12:08 PM ET
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this sounds like a good one!

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Date Posted: 9/2/2007 1:00 PM ET
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OH yes, i remember that one!! Roselin is right it's " Come Spring" by Jill Marie Landis, a very good book!

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Date Posted: 9/3/2007 3:08 PM ET
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Well, I looked it up here and the first part of the description sounds exactly right....but for the life of me I can't remember her being kidnapped a second time.  And I definitely don't remember a niece named buttons.

BUT...the cover shows a tin full of buttons so I'm thinking this is it.  I ordered a copy and I can't wait to find out if this is it.

I'm amazed!!!  I really thought I'd never find this one!!!

Thank you all,

Melissa B.




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Date Posted: 9/3/2007 3:08 PM ET
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I hope this is it! I'm thinking of ordering it myself!

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Date Posted: 9/10/2007 10:15 PM ET
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Have you read it yet?  Was it the one you were thinking of??

mamadoodle avatar
Date Posted: 9/11/2007 8:17 AM ET
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That sounds good!  I ordered it myself.


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Date Posted: 9/11/2007 10:43 AM ET
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It came in the mail yesterday, and I'm looking forward to starting it!!!

I flipped through the first chapter and it IS the book I was thinking about.  Amazing what you can remember about a book and at the same time forget!!!

Melissa B.




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Date Posted: 9/13/2007 9:49 AM ET
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I need to stop opening these threads.   I had to order this one too.   lol

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Date Posted: 9/18/2007 9:04 PM ET
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Oh phooey.  Curiosity kills the I'm going to have to order it too!

Sarah-tena avatar
Date Posted: 9/24/2007 7:30 PM ET
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Funny, I just re-read this book after having it sit on the shelf for a few years.  It's pretty good-- I really like her book "Blue Moon" the best of all of hers.