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Favorite Recipes: left over easter candy cake

Recipe Author

Name: Sally L.
Total Recipes: 12



left over easter candy cake

Dish: Other
Dish Type: Other
Cooking Method: Baked
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Servings: 12 or more
Prep Time: 15 min
Cook Time: 60 min

  • 2 cups - chopped left over easter candy (anything choc or marshmallow chicks any you like except jelly beans
  • 2 and 3 /4 cup - sifted flour
  • 1/2 tsp - salt
  • 1 tsp - vanilla
  • 4 oz - soft butter
  • 1 and 1/2 cup - sugar
  • 3 - eggs
  • 1 cup - sour cream
  • - confectioner sugar
  • - cool whip
  • 1 tsp - baking soda

preheat oven to 350 degree. take a (10-12 cup) bunt or tube pan and grease with butter, lightly flour and shake out excess flour and set aside. Stir togeather the flour salt and baking sodaand set aside. In a large bowl cream togeather the butter and vanilla. Add the sugar and mix until well blended. Add the eggs one at a time mixing well. On low speed alternate adding the flour mixture along with the sour cream , scraping the bowl to make sure all is blended. place 1and 1/2 cup mixture into the panspread out even. Add the can dies to the rest of the batter and gently stir in and than spread on the batter in the pan. bake one hour or so until cake is done. cool 15 min s and than take out on a rack and cool . cover with dusted conf. sugar.  You can serve each piece with cool whip or just by itself. 


A good way to get rid of all that candy so it won,t temp you to eat it all

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Jeannie S. (Maria25)
5/1/2009 10:58 PM ET
Do you use only one type of candy or do you mix?