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Favorite Recipes: lil smokies

Recipe Author

Name: Tracy R. (tracyroush)
Total Recipes: 1



lil smokies

Dish: Appetizers
Dish Type: Meats
Cooking Method: Baked
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Servings: 4/6
Prep Time: few minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour

  • 2 pkg - bacon slices
  • 1 bag - brown sugar
  • - tooth picks

Spray a cooking dish with cooking spray.

Slice Bacon in half.

Wrap each Little Smokie with Bacon.

Close with a Toothpick.

Place Little Smokies in baking dish.

Completely cover Little Smokies with Brown Sugar.

The More Sugar the Better.

Place pan in oven preheated to 350 degrees.

Bake till all Sugar is gone.  may take up to an hour.

The Sugar mixes with the juices off of the meat.  It carmalizes.

makes about 42 smokies...                   enjoy


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MaryLou C. (Bookworm42)
3/23/2008 12:07 PM ET
I've eaten these and they are Delicious!!!!