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Topic: Littlest things to stretch your dollar?

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BlackPanther avatar
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Date Posted: 1/10/2023 12:54 PM ET
Member Since: 4/2/2007
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Ink is so expensive. I don't print off the PBS wrapper to my printer. I do have to bring the wapper up on my screen to get the address. Then I can hand write it on the package or I can copy/paste it onto my sticky labels and just print the label. (On the other hand most of my PBS orders get a bookmark included.) 



hardtack avatar
Standard Member medalPrintable Postage medal
Date Posted: 1/16/2023 5:30 PM ET
Member Since: 9/22/2010
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The only times I use new paper---blank on both sides---is when I write to friends. Otherwise, I use paper actually mailed to me for free by so many different people and organizations.  A lot of this paper, statements, financial correspondence, untility bills, and even a full page printout of the shipping label from PBS, which some members include, goes into my printer for when I print off the mailing and shipping labels to send books. I just ensure that any sensitive information I don't want others to have is not on the other side. Mostly, the sensitive information, like account numbers, is on the top of the page and I can cut it off.

Plus, at a thrift store where I work we get donations of this type of paper all the time, which is usually tossed. But I take home the stuff with a blank side and use it. For example, I've shipped out a lot of books with the mailing label on the other side of instructions for quilt pattrerns or recipes.

Finally, as I neared retirement, I asked a friend at work, who was a secretary, to save me all the paper she usually tossed out that had one blank side. I wonder if PBS members who request books from me wonder about the entomological information on the other side of the mailing label.

The last time I bought a package of new paper is so long ago I can't even remember when.

Sounds like I'm cheap, and maybe I am, but I really believe in reuse and recycle.

Last Edited on: 1/17/23 11:30 AM ET - Total times edited: 3
Generic Profile avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 1/16/2023 7:38 PM ET
Member Since: 11/12/2009
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I'm right there with you Thomas.  Kids school papers are a wealth of good reusable paper. Junk mail makes great scrap paper, I write alot of notes or lists.

When I used Costco Pharmacy they always included so much paper!  
