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The Eclectic Pen - Lone Eagle

By: Sarah J. (RedFeather)   + 7 more  
Date Submitted: 2/6/2007
Genre: Romance
Words: 90

  He flies above the trees in all majesty

Surveying the land he sees

He flies free, he flies straight

Spirit of freedom is he

He hears the wind whisper

He sees the trees shake

He sees the land change

And he sees the earth quake

He flies alone above the earth

He calls nowhere his home

Alone in his flight, alone in the skies

Even alone on the ground

He searches for his soul, searches for his mate

Over the land, sea and sky

He protects what is his, all he has is his own

Until once again he flies high

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Sarah J. (RedFeather)

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