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Topic: Looking for a book about a talking sword.

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xiqtem avatar
Date Posted: 8/3/2007 7:11 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 1/16/08 10:03 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
DuskyRose avatar
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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 8:16 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 7/26/09 6:10 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 8/4/2007 10:24 AM ET
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Ha, did not remember that in Color of Magic - there's sooo much good stuff in the Pratchett books - and yes it would be smarmy.   The talking, fighting, walking luggage is what I loved.  LOL.  But the hero was not young in that book.

Anyway, Bob my mind immediately thought of Saberhagen's "Swords" series, all, very cleverly, similarly named, 1st Book of Swords, 2nd Book of Swords, you get the idea. 

Good luck on your search.


Zachaustlily avatar
Date Posted: 8/5/2007 6:56 PM ET
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I thought of Saberhagen too.  There are a couple i've read where the voice(s) in the swords were really souls of people.

dragonbaby avatar
Date Posted: 8/6/2007 3:37 PM ET
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Mercedes Lackey has some books about a sword that talks to its wielder who must be female.

xiqtem avatar
Date Posted: 8/6/2007 6:10 PM ET
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bookmuncher avatar
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Date Posted: 8/7/2007 6:53 AM ET
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Michael Moorcock's Elric of Melnibone series? Although the sword is mainly scary (and drinks the souls of those it kills).

xiqtem avatar
Date Posted: 8/7/2007 10:53 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 1/16/08 10:04 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
bookmuncher avatar
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Date Posted: 8/9/2007 7:55 PM ET
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Was that it? Cool!