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Topic: Looking for Chris F. from AL ...

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Subject: Looking for Chris F. from AL ...
Date Posted: 8/5/2007 12:52 PM ET
Member Since: 10/12/2005
Posts: 115
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Yesterday (Aug 4th) I received "The A-List" from Chris F. I have never heard of this book and certainly never ordered so I figured someone made a mistake in wrapping when they sent out a couple books. No problem right? I've done it myself... but...

not so easy. First of all they didn't use the PBS mailer so no transaction number to look up. Okay... I'll check the people who have books in the mail to me one of them has to be  chris f or christine or something.. but nope! Nothing even close. On to my cancelled transactions- maybe a mis wrapped book combined with a lost in the mail? Again nothing!

I am so confused- I even searched the member directory but there is no Christine F. from Alabama (at least that I could find.. I cld have missed it) It does have a little please log into PBS and mark book received tag tucked inside so I know one of the sellers I ordered a few textbooks from on abebooks didn't royally screw up. if I had paid 50+ dollars for a text and gotten a teen chick lit book I would be so so so pissed... but right now I'm just baffled!!

So Christine please pm me- let me know who you are and what you meant to send me.. I'm so confused!

And if anyone else has any suggestions I would appreciate your input- if there's something else I can check that I've forgotten about?


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Date Posted: 8/5/2007 1:24 PM ET
Member Since: 8/2/2005
Posts: 367
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Here is information from the Help Center about this problem.  You've already done some of these things, but maybe the part about checking your Transaction Archives might help.  Or, is there any chance a friend in PBS ordered this book for you?


I received a book I didn't request!

If you received a book you didn't request (a title you don't recognize), most likely the sender put the wrong book into the PBS Wrapper with your address on it.  If this was a single-book shipment, the book you received may have been requested by another member, who may have gotten your book.  It is also possible that the sender reprinted a wrapper she or he used to send you a book in the past, and sent this book to you instead of to its proper requestor.  If this is a multiple-book shipment, the sender may have sent you a book intended for another member, or may have mixed up a Box-O-Books shipment.

How to find the sender of the book to sort this out:

  • Go to the Books en Route tab in My Account.   You can get there by clicking My Account in the toolbar at the top of the site, and then clicking the Books en Route tab (behind the Books to Mail tab).
    • Compare the state of origin on the package return address with the state of origin of each book on your Books en Route tab in My Account.  The state shows on the right of the transaction, in the "speech bubble" containing your address.
    • If there is a book that is listed there as coming from the same state, click on the transaction and send a Personal Message to this sender asking if she sent you this book by mistake.
      • If she did,
        • and sent your book to another requestor, she can offer each of you credit or postage to send the books to one another; the sender can provide the addresses in Personal Messages.  When each of you get the correct books, you can mark them received.
        • and she still has the book she was supposed to send you, she can offer to send the correct book to you. You are not obligated to send the extra book back to her, but it is a nice thing to do the sender is a new member.
    • If she didn't send you this book, check your Transaction Archive, as described below.
  • Go to your Transaction Archive, by clicking the link at the top of the My Account page, in the yellow bar.
    • Scroll down the list of recent transactions to compare the senders' states of origin with the state of origin on the return address on your package.
    • This may be easier to do if you sort your Transaction Archive to show Completed Transactions only, in Descending order.
    • If there is a book that is listed there as coming from the same state, click on the transaction and send a Personal Message to that sender asking if she sent you this book by mistake.
      • If she did,
        • she can offer you credit or postage to send the book to the proper requestor.  The sender can provide the address in a Personal Message.
      • If she didn't, and you are a Boxer, check your Box-O-Books transactions.
  • Go to Box-O-Books by clicking Box-O-Books in the dropdown menu under Community in the toolbar at the top of the site.
    • Check your Pending Boxes list for a Box swap that matches the number of books you received.
    • Click your name or the other Boxer's name in the list to bring up the Swap Details.
    • Click to send a PM to the other Boxer to ask if she sent you this book.
    • If she did, you can make arrangements as above to get it to the proper requestor if someone else is waiting for this book.
    • If she did not, and you are stumped, you can contact us to ask for help.
  • There is also the possibility that you ordered a book online (e.g., from, and this was an incorrect shipment. 


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Date Posted: 8/5/2007 4:34 PM ET
Member Since: 7/5/2007
Posts: 1
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Hi, it was me that sent you the book by accident. I believe I pulled your address from a recylcled envelope instead of the print out. I PM you with instructions.  Thank You for bringing this to my attention. I never would have figured out what happened to the book.


Christine Fleming

dawgsncats avatar
Date Posted: 8/5/2007 10:34 PM ET
Member Since: 11/28/2006
Posts: 877
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Yay I love happy endings :-)

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Date Posted: 8/5/2007 11:12 PM ET
Member Since: 10/12/2005
Posts: 115
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Me too!

Plus now I won't have to stare at this poor book for ages wondering what i should do with it! It can go to it s rightful home.