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Topic: looking for Mathematics applications and concepts course 1 student edition

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Subject: looking for Mathematics applications and concepts course 1 student edition
Date Posted: 5/28/2009 2:21 PM ET
Member Since: 10/25/2005
Posts: 2,009
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  My daughters math book got stollen so now I have to replace it. I was hoping that someone wounld be done with theirs and be willing to list it. I am the only one in line for the book. 

Mathematics applications and concepts course 1 student editon

Glencoe Mathematics Mc Graw- Hill

It is on my wish list if that is not enough information about the book. Also does anyone know how to buy it cheaply?

I know I can not offer more than one credit for it so I won't, but I would be willing to order 10 other books from your shelf if you list it. Thanks in advance for your help!