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Topic: Lots of extras with any children's book order

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Pattakins avatar
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Subject: Lots of extras with any children's book order
Date Posted: 8/8/2007 2:15 PM ET
Member Since: 6/12/2005
Posts: 159
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My kids just cleaned out their bookshelves, so I have added a lot of children's books to my shelf. There were also many, many, books that I deemed unpostable for some reason or another, (but they are still readable) here's the deal. I will send at least one  extra "good" book from my shelf, and two or three (more if they are not heavy) of these unpostable books with your order (my choice). Many of them are hardbacks. It might help if you wanted to PM me and let me know your child's age. Otherwise, I will try to match the extras to the type of book you order.