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The Eclectic Pen - All My Love, Granny

By: Laura R. (RendiRed75)  
Date Submitted: 1/24/2007
Genre: Literature & Fiction » Letters & Correspondence
Words: 580

  My Loving Grandchild,

My memories have faded slightly with time and I don't remember things the way I should. I grasp at any special moment that I can. It's very hard for me, dear grandchild, for I feel very sad when I cannot remember the first time I held you in my arms. I cannot remember the first time your precious face turned up toward your Granny's face. The feeling of your tiny little hand clasped around my finger, I no longer remember. I don't remember the first time you said my name. Nor do I remember the first time I doctored your skinned knee. But, I remember I love you. I don't remember your first day of school or your first friend. But, I remember you have always loved me.

Dear sweet child, you have made such a difference in my life. This old heart of mine has beaten many times just for you. You've shown me such admiration and trust. I wish I could remember those days where I would take care of you and kiss your sweet forehead as you slept. I do hope you remember those times, so that you can tell YOUR grandchild.

I am not aware of much these days, sweet one. But, I am aware that you pray for me and love me. I am aware that you want to take care of me, just as I have taken care of you. Your face may become blurred by my failing sight, but your precioius soul is burned on my heart forever. When you think of old Granny, please think of those days when we would sing around my piano and don't forget the feeling of the grass in my yard as you ran through it in your bare feet. Everything seemed better at Granny's house.

One day soon, I will be in Heaven. Now, child don't you cry. You know I cry when you do. When I am in Heaven, I will look down upon you. I will see all the wonderful things you do. I will smile softly when you say to yourself, "Granny made the best biscuits, if only I could do it as well as Granny." I will feel pride when I see you with your children, because I know you are a good Mother. And dear grandchild, I will remember! I will remember all these things that have escaped me. All the wonderful times with you! When you smell the scent of my perfume, you will know I am with you.

So, grandchild, my love. I may not be the same Granny you knew. I may not be the strong lady you once looked up to. Now, instead of you needing Granny to hold your hand, Granny will need you to hold hers. Just remember I have passed my strength, character, wisdom and love to you. Use these things I have instilled in you and you will never go wrong.

Granny gets tired alot now. So, I must stop writing this letter. I felt the need to say these things to you, but I know you already knew.

All My Love,

A letter of love written by me, putting into words what I know my Grandmother felt. I wrote this a few years ago when my Grandmother got ill. Today is the Anniversary of her death, she passed one year ago today. She is still in my heart. I love you always and forever Granny! I just wanted to share.

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Laura R. (RendiRed75)

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