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The Eclectic Pen - To Love A Writer

By: Dezi E. (Dezi)  
Date Submitted: 7/31/2007
Genre: Literature & Fiction » Poetry
Words: 279

  I acquired
intonations of
your Bleeding Heart
in places that could not conceal
a flea.

Intonations subtly hued with
pinks and purples,
a cool version of desert sunbath.

Like the flip of a switch,
every toss and turn of my heart
reminds me of you.

I try to ride out this
mellow form of love;
but you and my heart
will not allow me to forget
the intensity of your mighty reign.

Extraordinary beauty,
a very serious face,
a sudden relentless gesture,
the depths of those
reluctant eyes.

equally riveting and fiery,
threaten to overwhelm me,
pull me out from the safety
of my despair.

My mind stages clips of you,
playing yourself in front of me.

Do you remember
the quaint love shack
on the beautiful, untamed coastline?
Watching the dolphins swim round and round
in the ships’ nets as they
were strangled?
No desire to help.

We share a hippie love with a thirst--
eating instead.

The lights were strewn among the heavens,
painting a view so extravagant.
They blazed like lanterns
Underneath raised eyebrows,
the glow reflected in eyes
that offered nothing more.

My expression moved your heart, you said.

Later, I found your words
curling around the strap of my portfolio
and spilling into one of your notebooks.

You wrote:
“You placed little stones
stored with flammable liquid
in one of the chambers of my heart
and ignited the flame underneath them.
I exploded.

Like a phoenix,
wings spread wide,
opened as if to fly
out of the window and
into the night.

Don’t you know that
it is utterly hopeless
to love a writer
completely devoted to her craft.”

I saw no more of you.
I think of you often.
Your face leaps forth into my heart,
cleaving a blazing trail
across my soul,
shredding my heart with the pain
of a thousand brutal,

You are in the Bronx telephone book
on my coffee table.
Contained in the skinny box
under my rumpled bed.
You are the linking verbs
in my copy of Keats.

We are the pair of
matching feline statues on either side of the

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Dezi E. (Dezi)

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Silvercat - - 7/31/2007 4:11 PM ET
Amazing writing, Dezi...such a depth of feeling expressed so well.
Marta J. (booksnob) - 8/1/2007 5:21 PM ET
Dezi, this is fierce and beautiful. I truly hope that somehow, sometime she reads this and knows you for the writer that you are.
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