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Topic: Im low on credits, so a 2 for 1 sale in order-some chick lit, thrillers, an

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Subject: Im low on credits, so a 2 for 1 sale in order-some chick lit, thrillers, an
Date Posted: 9/11/2007 12:29 PM ET
Member Since: 11/30/2006
Posts: 68
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SInce Im low on credits and a lot of wishlist books are coming up, Im ready to have a 2 for 1 sale.  Any books on my shelf are 2 for 1.  Order one, pm me your freebie and post here so others know whats available. Ill be home this evening and hope to come home to lots of offers!

Happy Hunting!


momofzandc avatar
Date Posted: 9/11/2007 1:35 PM ET
Member Since: 7/19/2007
Posts: 330
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I just ordered Elvis and Me and would love Thirty Nothing as my freebie.  You have a great bookshelf, we have a lot of the same tastes in books.  Thank you so much for the deal

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Date Posted: 9/11/2007 3:18 PM ET
Member Since: 5/18/2007
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I ordered HIssy Fit and would like I Dreamed I Married Perry Mason for my freebie. Thanks!  I'll PM you too.


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Date Posted: 9/11/2007 10:46 PM ET
Member Since: 11/30/2006
Posts: 68
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got your orders pulled thanks for ordering!

rachum05 avatar
Date Posted: 9/12/2007 2:54 AM ET
Member Since: 6/4/2007
Posts: 922
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Hello, I ordered Diary of a Mad Bride, and would like The Face as my freebie. Thanks!


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Date Posted: 9/12/2007 9:11 AM ET
Member Since: 11/30/2006
Posts: 68
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Thanks Rachel got your order pulled!
