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The Eclectic Pen - Lucidity

By: Michele C. (paintedblue)   + 2 more  
Date Submitted: 12/4/2008
Genre: Literature & Fiction » Poetry
Words: 70


I see my sanity before me,
a dancing nymph
flitting to and fro,
taunting me-
catch me if you can!

Delicate wings
carry her away
while I give chase-
yet she remains
just out of reach.

When I give up,
weary and broken,
she gently lands
in my open palm
as I gaze in awe
at her fragile beauty.

Too quickly
she’s off again,
but she pauses
briefly in mid-flight
and looks at me-
lighting up my world.

With a glance
and a smile
she’s revealed-
it’s the chase
that keeps us both alive.

©2008 Michele Chastain

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Michele C. (paintedblue)

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Comments 1 to 2 of 2
Lena S. (SquirrelNutkin) - 12/5/2008 6:48 AM ET
Really nice, thank you.
Eva L. (wearetrees) - 12/5/2008 5:34 PM ET
This is lovely, Michele.
Comments 1 to 2 of 2