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Topic: MP3 version of Audio Books -- allowed?

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Subject: MP3 version of Audio Books -- allowed?
Date Posted: 8/28/2007 9:01 AM ET
Member Since: 9/4/2006
Posts: 79
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 Curious if anyone knows the answer to this.  At one point I though they weren't.   Looking at Help Center now - it just says those that need a computer to be listened to.   Many cars and CD players are MP3 capable - so not sure what the answer is.    Personally, since I got my newer car recently I don't care - but 2 months ago with my 2000 car - it would have been a big problem. (I get audios to listen to on my commute).

Anybody know?


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Date Posted: 8/28/2007 9:45 AM ET
Member Since: 11/13/2005
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"MP3" is a binary data format, not a physical media type.  CDs that have been formally published that contain MP3s are OK.  Audio Books, etc. that you or someone else has downloaded as individuals and burned to a CD (etc.) are not ok (nor is arranging for a direct transfer of the files by email, ftp, etc.)

There is a help center topic on this titled "Can downloaded/burned/copies of audio books be traded?"


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Date Posted: 8/28/2007 10:41 AM ET
Member Since: 9/4/2006
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Thank you -that makes sense.   What I was more cuirous about was what is not allowed {CD-ROM books/e-books (books that must be read on a computer)}  My thought was since MP3 technology is no longer limited to computers - I would guess they would be allowed.    But depending on the person receiving it - they may or may not have the means to listen to it.  (Which is the scenerio I was in up until a month ago)

   Honestly, now since I have a way to listen to them - probably not a big deal. (My question started since I just received one yesterday that was published CD in MP3 format. )  Very interesting to see in the help center all the variations that books can come in and the many scenerios PBS has had to deal with.

Edited to Add: Rereading this in editing - I believe they are allowed.  The not allowed things are things that can ONLY be read on computer - since MP3-CD can be read on other machines - they do not fall in this category.



Last Edited on: 8/28/07 10:44 AM ET - Total times edited: 1