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Topic: Mail date different from postage date

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meldster avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Subject: Mail date different from postage date
Date Posted: 4/27/2009 5:16 PM ET
Member Since: 3/12/2009
Posts: 869
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I know this has to be posted somewhere, but I can't find it. I received a book today and it has postage dated April 21 and the sender marked the book mailed April 13. The book obviously came before the last final date, in fact I got an auto response from PBS asking if I've received the book. It arrived today thankfully, but I'm curious if I should say something to the sender about the mail date being a week off? Clearly this guy went to the post office to send it. Thanks
surrealthemuse avatar
Date Posted: 4/27/2009 5:21 PM ET
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If you haven't marked it recieved yet you could let PBS know by mentioning it in the second text box of the survey, the one at the bottom.

pvc avatar
Date Posted: 4/27/2009 5:22 PM ET
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I read where some ppl can only get to the Post Office one a week so if were me I would not PM.

Dan (for Marilyn)

Cindy84 avatar
Date Posted: 4/27/2009 5:23 PM ET
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Hmm I don't know if it will help. I've run into several people who do that, mark it sent, than don't send it for a while. It happens. Most of the time I mark a book sent, and send it that night (drop it into the blue box) or the next day at the latest. It happens. Maybe They have just been behind on sending them out, or maybe something came up, got sick, etc.

meldster avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 4/27/2009 5:25 PM ET
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okay, thanks i'll mark it received now.
ruthy avatar
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Date Posted: 4/27/2009 6:58 PM ET
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Just because the mail date (if it's a printed postage) doesn't match the stated mail date with PBS doesn't mean it's wrong.  I use PBS postage and have to hand it to someone else to mail.  So I have to plan it so that both the package and the USPS fit correctly.  We are supposed to mail by the date that appears on the package for the USPS to carry it.  But Sundays and holidays interfere sometimes, so you have some leeway on the label to make that work.  If the book is in the blue mailbox by the date that's on the package, then it's okay.  But some boxes aren't picked up but once a day or even not on weekends - so it can be misleading if you're going by the printed postage date.  If you aren't careful and your PO is picky they can send it back to you for that reason.  With the upcoming postage increase - we'll have to be careful that the date and the postage charge are okay with the USPS or they can send it back for not enough postage.


meldster avatar
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Date Posted: 4/27/2009 11:09 PM ET
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ruth, it was a handwritten package and it didn't have any pbs postage or confirmation. the person went to the post office.


anywho, i made a note to pbs that the mail date was over a week that was stated on the postage.

ruthy avatar
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Date Posted: 4/27/2009 11:10 PM ET
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OK, I didn't get it when I read the post.  Sorry!  Late books are considered and "unofficial" problem and you've done the right thing by marking it received and putting the info about the date on the survey!


fangrrl avatar
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Date Posted: 4/28/2009 2:36 AM ET
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Imelda, just noting the postage date when logging in your book is the best way to handle the situation.  If the sender's account has cause to be reviewed by PBS admin, you will have helped give them necessary information. 

Spuddie avatar
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Date Posted: 4/28/2009 7:28 AM ET
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Yep, as others have said, just note the date when logging the book in in their postage survey. I never use that UNLESS, as in your case, there is a metered postage sticker on the package that indicated exactly when they mailed it. If it's a stamped postmark (which can smudge, and also can be applied anywhere along the line) I don't consider that conclusive evidence it was mailed late. But a metered sticker has the date they are mailing it right there.I also don't bother with that if the sender has mailed late, but has been courteous enough to PM me and let me know. I mean, stuff happens--I have no problem with that. Communication can really forestall a lot of problems.

Why people are stupid enough to mark a book mailed a week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks before they actually mail it--and then go into the post office to have a metered sticker put on the book is beyond me. Duh! I mean if you're going to be a liar about it, for heaven's sake, at least be a SMART liar and throw some stamps on the book and drop it in a blue box instead of broadcasting just when you really did send the book! :-D
