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Search - List of Books by Mark Victor Hansen

"In imagination, there's no limitation." -- Mark Victor Hansen
Mark Victor Hansen (born January 1948) is an American inspirational and motivational speaker, trainer and author. He is best known as the founder and co-creator of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book series.

Along with business partner, Jack Canfield, Hansen is best known for creating what Time magazine called “the publishing phenomenon of the decade”. Chicken Soup for the Soul books are one of the most successful publishing franchises in the world today, with more than 140 million books sold internationally and more than 100 licensed products. The name “Chicken Soup” was chosen because of the use of chicken soup as a home remedy for the sick. The first Chicken Soup book, published by Health Communications, Inc., sold more than 2 million copies. There are now over 140 million copies in print and in 54 languages worldwide.

Hansen has appeared on Oprah, CNN and The Today Show and was featured in Time, U.S. News & World Report, USA Today, The New York Times and Entrepreneur Magazine.

Hansen is currently working on a new book due out in September and co-authored with Robert Allen titled "Cash in a Flash." It is the sequel to #1 The New York Times Best Seller, "The One Minute Millionaire."

One of Hansen's most recent books, co-authored with Art Linkletter, is "How to Make the Rest of your Life The Best of your Life."

In 2005 he co-wrote, along with Robert Allen, the book "Cracking the Millionaire Code" in which he highlights several self-made millionaires such as Bob Circosta, Michael Dell, Bill Gates, Alexander Graham Bell, Oprah Winfrey, and others, using them as examples of how to build wealth.

In 2004 Hansen was inducted into the Sales & Marketing Executive International’s Hall of Fame, receiving the Ambassador of Free Enterprise award. He is also the recipient of the 2004 Visionary Philanthropist for Youth Award by Covenant House of CA.

In 2002 The University of Toledo presented Hansen with an Honorary PhD in Business Administration and established the Mark Victor Hansen Entrepreneurial Excellence Fund that will help shape the minds of future business leaders and assist in the development of the faculty who will teach them.

In 2000 The Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans honored Hansen with the prestigious Horatio Alger Award as an American leader who personifies the virtues and principles inherent in the success stories written by nineteenth century American author Horatio Alger, Jr.

In 2000 Northwood University honored Hansen as the Outstanding Business Leader of the Year.

Hansen is involved and supports charities such as Horatio Alger Scholarships, Habitat for Humanity, American Red Cross, Operation Smile, Oceana, March of Dimes, Covenant House and Childhelp USA.

Hansen graduated from Southern Illinois University in 1970 with a B.A. in speech communications.

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This author page uses material from the Wikipedia article "Mark Victor Hansen", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0
Total Books: 771
You Have a Book in You  Revised Edition Let Your Story Lead You On a Path to Success
How to Think Bigger And Go From OrdinaryTo Extraordinary
2021 - How to Think Bigger and Go From Ordinaryto Extraordinary (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781722503598
ISBN-10: 1722503599
Genres: Business & Money, Self-Help

Perte de poids
2020 - Perte De Poids (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9782897931315
ISBN-10: 2897931310
Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting

2020 - Stress (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9782897931322
ISBN-10: 2897931329
Genre: Self-Help

2020 - Mnopause (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9782897931346
ISBN-10: 2897931345
Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting

Ask The Bridge from Your Dreams to Your Destiny
Chicken Soup for the Soul Shaping the New You 101 Encouraging Stories about Dieting and Fitnessand Finding What Works for You
Chicken Soup for the Soul Moms  Sons Stories by Mothers and Sons in Appreciation of Each Other
Chicken Soup for the Soul Grandmothers 101 Stories of Love Laughs and Lessons from Grandmothers and Grandchildren
Chicken Soup for the Soul Stories for a Better World
2016 - Chicken Soup for the Soul Stories for a Better World (Audio CD)Paperback
ISBN-13: 9781522695677
ISBN-10: 1522695672
Genres: Religion & Spirituality, Self-Help

Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul
2016 - Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul [Chicken Soup for the Soul - Audio MP3 CD - Unabridged] (Audio CD)
ISBN-13: 9781522600275
ISBN-10: 1522600272
Genres: Religion & Spirituality, Crafts, Hobbies & Home

Chicken Soup for the Soul Find Your Happiness 101 Inspirational Stories about Finding Your Purpose Passion and Joy
Chicken Soup for the Soul Messages from Heaven 101 Miraculous Stories of Signs from Beyond Amazing Connections and Love that Doesn't Die
Chicken Soup for the Soul Christmas Cheer 101 Stories about the Love Inspiration and Joy of Christmas
The Miracles in You Recognizing God's Amazing Works in You and Through You
2015 - The Miracles in You Recognizing God's Amazing Works in You and Through You (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781617954825
ISBN-10: 1617954829

Sopa de Pollo para Alma del Cristiano Relatos que conmueven el corazn y ponen fuego en el espritu
2014 - Sopa De Pollo Para Alma Del Cristiano Relatos Que Conmueven El Corazn Y Ponen Fuego En El Espritu [Chicken Soup for the Soul - Spanish Edition] (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781623611262
ISBN-10: 1623611261
Genres: Religion & Spirituality, Self-Help

Sopa de Pollo para Alma de la Madre Nuevo relatos que conmueven el corazn y ponen fuego en el espritu
Sopa de Pollo para Alma de la Mujer Relatos que conmueven el corazn y ponen fuego en el espritu de las mujeres
2014 - Sopa De Pollo Para Alma De La Mujer Relatos Que Conmueven El Corazn Y Ponen Fuego En El Espritu De Las Mujeres [Chicken Soup for the Soul - Spanish Edition] (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781623611286
ISBN-10: 1623611288
Genre: Self-Help

Chicken Soup for the Soul The Cat Did What 101 Amazing Stories of Magical Moments Miracles and Mischief
Chicken Soup for the Soul The Dog Did What 101 Amazing Stories of Magical Moments Miracles and Mayhem
Chicken Soup for the Soul Home Sweet Home 101 Stories about Hearth Happiness and Hard Work
2012 - Chicken Soup for the Mother and Son Soul Stories to Celebrate the Lifelong Bond [Chicken Soup for the Soul Paperback Health Communications] (Paperback)
2012 - Chicken Soup for the Adopted Soul Stories Celebrating Forever Families [Chicken Soup for the Soul Quality Paper] (Paperback)
2012 - Chicken Soup for the Soul What My Cat Taught Me About Love [Chicken Soup for the Soul Brilliance Audio] (Audio CD)
2011 - Chicken Soup for the Soul New Moms 101 Inspirational Stories of Joy Love and Wonder [Chicken Soup for the Soul Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Paperback)
2010 - Motivation to Succeed the Psychology of Motivation [Made for Success Collection] (Audio CD)
2010 - Chicken Soup for the Soul Healthy Living Series Diabetes [Chicken Soup for the Soul: Healthy Living Series] (Audio CD)
2008 - Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul a Chrestomance Book [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Other)
2008 - Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul IV [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Other)
2008 - Chicken Soup for the Golden Soul the Mini Edition [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Hardcover)
2008 - Chicken Soup for the Soul a Tribute to Moms [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Paperback)
2007 - Huhnersuppe Fur Die Seele Fur Katzenliebhaber [Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul - German Edition] (Paperback)
2007 - A Chicken Soup for the Soul Christmas [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Paperback)
2007 - Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul the Mini Edition [Chicken Soup for the Soul Mini] (Hardcover)
2007 - Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul the Mini Edition [Chicken Soup for the Soul Mini] (Hardcover)
2007 - Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul the Mini Edition [Chicken Soup for the Soul Mini] (Hardcover)
2007 - Balsam Dla Duszy Miosnika Kotow Opowiesci O Kocim Przywiazaniu Tajemniczoaci I Wdzieku [Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul - Polish Edition] (Hardcover)
2006 - Chicken Soup for the Soul Recipes for Busy Moms [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Other)
2006 - Chicken Soup for Soul to Mom with Love [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Hardcover)
2006 - Chicken Soup for the Soul to Grandma with Love [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Hardcover)
2006 - Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Hardcover)Paperback, Hardcover
2005 - Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Paperback)
2005 - Chicken Soup for the Soul Healthy Living Series Breast Cancer [Chicken Soup for the Soul Healthy Living] (Paperback)
2005 - Chicken Soup for the Soul Healthy Living Series Heart Disease [Chicken Soup for the Soul, Healthy Living Series] (Paperback)
2005 - Chicken Soup for the Soul Healthy Living Series Menopause [Chicken Soup for the Soul Healthy Living Series] (Paperback)
2005 - Chicken Soup for the Soul Healthy Living Series Weight Loss [Chicken Soup for the Soul Healthy Living Series] (Paperback)
2005 - Chicken Soup for the Soul Cartoons for Golfers [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Paperback)
2005 - Chicken Soup for the Soul Celebrates Grandmothers [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Hardcover)
2005 - Chicken Soup for the Soul Nascar Xtreme Race Journal for Kids [Chicken Soup for the Soul Paperback Health Communications] (Paperback)
2005 - The Book of Christmas VIrtues [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Hardcover)
2004 - The Greatest Gift of All [Chicken Soup for Little Souls Reader] (Paperback)
2004 - Conversations on Success [The Must Have Book for Successful People - A Life Enhancement Book, Volume 4] (Paperback)
2003 - Chicken Soup for the Soul Celebrates Mothers a Collection in Words and Photographs [Chicken Soup for the Soul Hardcover Health Communications] (Hardcover)
2003 - Chicken Soup for the Soul Living Your Dreams [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Hardcover)
2003 - Chicken Soup for the Soul Celebrates Teachers [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Hardcover)
2003 - Chicken Soup for the Soul Cartoons for Moms [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Paperback)
2000 - Chicken Soup for the Parent's Soul Stories of Loving Learning and Parenting [Chicken Soup for the Soul Audio Health Communications] (Audio Cassette)
2000 - Chicken Soup for the Parents Soul Stories of Loving Learning and Parentins [Chicken Soup for the Soul Audio Health Communications] (Audio CD)Paperback
2000 - Chicken Soup Teenage Trilogy Stories of Life Love and Learning [Chicken Soup for the Soul Audio Health Communications] (Audio Cassette)
2000 - Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul 3 More Stories of Life Love and Learning [Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Audio Health Communications] (Audio CD)
2000 - Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul [101 Stories of Changes, Choices and Growing Up] (Paperback)
1999 - Chicken Soup for the Couple's Soul [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Hardcover)
1999 - Chicken Soup for the College Soul Inspiring and Humorous Stories About College [Chicken Soup for the Soul Audio Health Communications] (Audio Cassette)
1999 - Chicken Soup for the Cat Dog Lover's Soul Celebrating Pets As Family [Chicken Soup for the Soul Audio Health Communications] (Audio CD)
1999 - Chicken Soup for the Unsinkable Soul 101 Stories [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Paperback)
1999 - Chicken Soup for Single's Soul [Chicken Soup for the Soul Audio Health Communications] (Audio Cassette)
1999 - Manna VIr Die Christen Se Gemoed [Afrikaans Edition] (Paperback)
1999 - Chicken Soup for the Kid's Soul [Mini Gift Books] (Hardcover)
1999 - Chicken Soup for the Golfer's So [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Hardcover)
1999 - Healing the Grief [...of the loss of a loved one] (Audio Cassette)
1999 - A 6th Bowl of Chicken Soup for the Soul [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Hardcover)
1998 - Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Hardcover)
1998 - A Second Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul [Chicken Soup for the Soul Series] (Hardcover)
1998 - A Second Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Paperback)
1998 - Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Journal [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Paperback)
1997 - Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Paperback)Hardcover
1997 - Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Hardcover)Paperback, Hardcover
1997 - A 4th Course of Chicken Soup for the Soul [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Hardcover)
1996 - Condensed Chicken Soup for the Soul [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Paperback)
1996 - A Cup of Chicken Soup for the Soul [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Paperback)
1996 - A 3rd Serving of Chicken Soup for the Soul [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Paperback)Hardcover
1996 - A 3rd Serving of Chicken Soup for the Soul [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Hardcover)Paperback
1995 - Chicken Soup for the Soul Cookbook [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Hardcover)
1994 - A 2nd Helping of Chicken Soup for the Soul [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Paperback)
1993 - Huhnersuppe Fur Die Seele [German Edition] (Paperback)
1993 - Chicken Soup for the Soul [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Hardcover)
Menopause [Chicken Soup for the Soul Healthy Living] (Hardcover)
Asthma [Chicken Soup for the Soul Healthy Living] (Paperback)
Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul the Real Deal on Girl Stuff [Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul: the Real Deal] (Paperback)
Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul [Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Hardcover)
Teacher Tales [A Taste of Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Paperback)
Happily Ever After [A Taste of Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Paperback)
Like Mother Like Daughter [A Taste of Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Paperback)
Stories of Faith [A Taste of Chicken Soup for the Soul] (Paperback)
Spiritual Success [Sound Horizons Presents] (Audio Cassette)
Bouillon De Poulet Pour I'came Des Ados [Chicken Soup for the Soul - French Edition] (Audio Cassette)
Millionario En Un Minuto [Spanish and Portuguese Edition] (Paperback)