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Favorite Recipes: Mayonnaise Rolls - Quickest homemade bread ever!

Recipe Author

Name: Sherry C.
Total Recipes: 1



Mayonnaise Rolls - Quickest homemade bread ever!

Dish: Quick & Easy
Dish Type: Other
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Servings: 6
Prep Time: 2 minutes
Cook Time: 12 - 15 minutes

  • 1 cup - self-rising flour
  • 1 tablespoon - sugar
  • 1 heaping tablespoon - mayonnaise (or Miracle Whip)
  • 1/2 cup - milk

Mix ingredients & spoon into greased muffin pan (or spray pan).  Bake in Toaster oven at 450 for 12-15 minutes.  Serve hot. 


You will not believe how much this takes like yeast rolls and how easy it is to make.  Best served hot.

Member Comments

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Irene L H. (NonExistence) -
6/22/2010 6:42 PM ET
I had a house fire and lost everything. My mother-in-law gave me is recipe. So good to have this great recipe back again. Thanks for the post at Irene [NonExistence]
Chris B. (logswest)
5/13/2010 8:10 PM ET
I had steaks and baked potatoes ready to go in 15 minutes today and realized I had no rolls so I thought what the heck and I threw these together. They looked so weird I was laughing thinking they would never turn out and they actually did. I think I would call them biscuits, rather than rolls, but they were moist and delicious. We liked them better than any of my biscuit recipes. The batter was just enough to fill 6 muffin tins, sprayed with Pam, almost half way. I'm grateful the other member put in the additions to make them with regular flour. I baked them in the oven at 450 for ten minutes.
Kelly C. (RedWingHockeyFan)
4/11/2010 4:36 PM ET
I don't have a toaster oven, can you let me know how to do this in a regular oven, temp and length of cook time?
Jozee G. (gypsywidow)
2/23/2010 6:19 PM ET
I don't have a toaster oven, can you let me know how to do this in a regular oven, temp and length of cook time?
Shae C. (shaecastle)
2/16/2010 6:45 PM ET
To make self-rising flour you can use 1 cup all purpose flour, 1 and 1/2 teaspoons baking powder and 1/2 teaspoon of salt.