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Favorite Recipes: Mickie's Baked Beans

Recipe Author

Name: Susan M. (susyclemens)
Total Recipes: 1



Mickie's Baked Beans

Dish: Side-dishes
Dish Type: Beans
Cooking Method: Baked
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Servings: 15-20
Prep Time: 10 mins.
Cook Time: 1 hr.

  • 1/2 lb. can - Bush's Baked Beans (w/ Real Onions)
  • 1 lb. can - Bush's Baked Beans (original flavor)
  • 1/2 jar - Hormel's Bacon Bits
  • One tablespoon - Mustard
  • 1/2 cup - Grandma's Molasses
  • - Black Pepper, sprinkled liberally
  • 1 - Red Pepper, chopped up fine

Drain your cans of Bush's baked beans of all the juice they are packed in.  (This is a very important step!!)

Then, pour out the beans into a deep 10x13 or similar size baking dish, stirring to mix the plain/onion-flavor beans together.

Chop up a whole red pepper into small pieces, and mix this in.   Add the tablespoon of mustard (your preference, Gulden's spicy brown or ordinary yellow, or whatever brand you like-- all work equally well).   Add the bacon bits, stir in the molasses, and sprinkle with pepper.    Stir all ingredients until nicely mixed.

Cook the beans for 1 hour in a pre-heated, 325 degree oven.  

You will love the sweet flavor of these beans.   This was my mother-in-law's recipe.  



If you prefer more onions in your beans, or just want to have more to serve, another 1/2 lb. can of Bush's real onion-flavored baked beans can be added without adjusting any of the other ingredients.    A nice touch is to add a few strips of bacon across the top, but I personally get all the bacon flavor I need from the bacon bits. 

 I don't use any other brand of molasses but Grandma's.   It's the one with the yellow label and lid.   Any other molasses I've used with the recipe just doesn't taste as good.  

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