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Favorite Recipes: Mincemeat

Recipe Author

Name: K. R. P. S. (THEkrps)
Total Recipes: 21




Dish: Desserts
Dish Type: Other
Cooking Method: Clay Pot
Difficulty: 5 / 10
Servings: ???
Prep Time: 6 wks.
Cook Time: n/a

  • 1 lb. - Beef kidney suet
  • 2 - Nutmegs grated or 1 T grated nutmeg
  • 1½ lb. - lb. Currants
  • 1 t - Ground ginger
  • 1 lb. - Raisins
  • 1 t - Salt
  • 1 lb. - Apples
  • ½ lb. - Blanched Almonds
  • 2 lb. - (4 C) Sugar
  • - Grated rind and juice of 4 lemons
  • ¾ lb. - Mixed peel (4 oz. lemon, 4 oz. orange, 4 oz. citron)
  • ¾ C - Brandy

(From Ruth Shepherd)


Grind all and mix well in a crock. Let stand, stirring daily, at least 6 weeks before using.



  • When I was a newleywed, my husband would rave about his mother's mincemeat pies and tarts. Being the dutiful wife that I am, I asked her for the recipe. When I got to the bottom of the recipe and saw the "Let stand, stirring daily, at least 6 weeks before using...." I'm sure I thought I don't take 6 weeks to make anything and I never made the Mincemeat or the pies. Damn. My mother-in-law passed away this spring and I've been digging through recipes in an attempt to pass on my kid's favorites and I found the Mincemeat recipe (below). Sadly, there's no reference to how much this makes and how to make the pies. Of course I'm a bit stumped. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

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